Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Hutch Filled With Love

This hutch is in my breakfast room.  It's old and well worn and well 
loved not just for itself, but also for what it holds.  Everything inside
from it's cupboard at the bottom and open shelves at the top is filled
with precious memories of ones I have loved.

This covered casserole and the matching platter behind it belonged to 
my Mom.  She loved blue and white as do I.  The hobnail pitcher was
hers too.  It is both squatty and sweet I think.  The toast rack in the
foreground was a purchase of mine because we love toast in this house!

I love the cream soup bowls.  These belonged to my Mom as well.

This little blue calico square tea pot was purchased at the British Isles shop
in Houston years ago before David and I were married.  I was so very
happy to visit the shop when we were last in Houston.  It's always so
comforting to discover that a little shop you loved years ago is still
in existence.  I treasure small independent shops.  I know how hard
it is for them to survive in our world of big box stores.

See the cups hanging from hooks?  I purchased a whole set of these 
dishes while I was in London with my parents.  I had them shipped back to
the states and every piece arrived in perfect condition.  The Brits are so
good at shipping china.  This is a Mason's pattern.  We don't see much
of this china company in the states.  My mother-in-law had a lovely
Mason's pattern as her every day dishes.  It came from Carl Forslund in
Michigan years ago who used to specialize in colonial furniture and
accessories for the home.  I have a few pieces of her set.  It is 
called Plantation Colonial.  I will have to show it to you sometime.

Notice the little butter pats.  I love these.  I only have two and
wish I could find more.

The little Cafe Paris covered tureen is a purchase from a consignment
shop.  I have two and they were a steal.  The woven flower basket on
the left belonged to my grandmother.  The copper tea kettle is from
my step grandfather.  He brought it over from Sweden.

If you look to the right in the background there is a little sandwich
tray.  It is Mason's also.  My Mom and I each purchased one while we
were in London.  Now I have both of them.  I have such happy memories
of the day we found these little trays.  I remember we both squealed in
delight and could hardly wait to take them back home to serve little 
tea sandwiches on.

My little patriotic pie bird.  I found this at a cute little shop in Fredericksburg, TX.
David and I spent the weekend of our 25th wedding anniversary there just
this past June.  It's a wonderful little reminder of the very special weekend
we spent in that oh so charming town.

I purchased this tole tray at a wonderful antique store in new Hampshire.
David's mom had the most charming summer cottage on Mirror Lake
in New Hampshire.  We used to go visit her there in the summer while
David and I were living in Middleburg, Virginia.  Lee's summer
cottage was so adorable.  It had the sweetest little kitchen with an old
fashioned farmhouse sink and the cutest vintage refrigerator.  There was
an old screen door in the kitchen that squeaked and banged and took
you out to the deck.  There was one main living area with a stone fireplace.
The whole cottage was quite rustic and had a screened in porch that 
overlooked the lake.  There were two small bedrooms that had those
old built in dressers and windows framed by old fashioned Priscilla
tie back curtains.  Lee always had vintage handmade quilts on the bed.
To David and I it was the most charming cottage in the world and 
we have so many happy memories of spending our evenings 
listening to the loons on the lake while playing cut throat games
of Scrabble.  David almost always won which drove Lee and
me nuts!

That cute little tea pot in front of the tray is from the King's Arms
Tavern in Williamsburg.  It was a gift from my sister-in-law

The little girl tying her shoe is Royal Copenhagen.  She was a gift to me
from my mother-in-law Lee.  The milk glass pitcher belonged to my

And finally, Mrs Rabbit and her bunnies with Peter Rabbit looking
quite the gentleman.   There is a Beatrix Potter plate in the 
background because I love Beatrix.  Always have.

So there you are.  A little tour of my antique hutch that is full
of memories of people I love and happy times.  Thanks for
stopping by.

Bentley had a very exciting morning.  He discovered a
big cat asleep in the ginger and he flushed the cat out
and the cat ran up the big old oak tree.  Bentley was
extremely proud of himself and his Daddy was too
and Bentley got a treat.  High adventure :-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I loved looking at all your keepsakes. I have quite a few that were handed down so I know the feeling you get when you see the sweet items. Loved all your pretties.

  2. Your beautiful hutch (when it was at your former home) is what drew me to your blog in the first place. It is my idea of "the perfect hutch," I love everything on it. I have no hutch like that at my house so I have to sprinkle my treasures all about, but if I ever do, I will model it after this one. Just lovely! BTW I collect ironstone butterpats (also tiny restaurant creamers) so I was very interested in your butterpats.

  3. Love the hutch and the stories, I have a hanging cupboard from a former home filled with remember this things. My children ( girls 37, son 35) so not really children always say I remember this.....nice. One daughter is looking to buy in Jackson Nh, They had a small house there and now want to move full time there. Mirror lake has some nice houses but too many rules, only two pets and no hanging out laundry. She has three dogs and two cats and is a clothes hanger out person. So not there...What a man is Bentley......

    1. Mirror Lake is pricey. David's mom passed away in 2011 and the cottage was sold. We loved it and missed it, but we have our memories.

  4. I love the hutch and the way you've displayed it all, but even more special is that all of these pieces have stories behind them. I'd love to feature this on my FB page!

  5. I collect, (well actually I'm done because I have just about every piece the line offers) California Vernonware dishes from the 1950's. They made lots of different patterns, some earlier, some later. My pattern of choice is called Gingham. It's a yellow & green plaid of sorts & I just love it. Anyway, my older son pretty much helped me collect all the various pieces available. The smallest pieces I own are the butterpats & I built a special wall cabinet to display them in as I love them & they're too cute to not be out on display. I have 9 in the display & a few spares just because my son got a good deal on them. I have had them stored away for almost 3 years & finally we are moving into our own house again & I can't wait to see them & display them again. I love your hutch & it was so much fun hearing about all of its treasures. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I love that you have displayed your butter pats!

  6. thank you for sharing these treasures and the memories of them. loved this post.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and thanks for stopping by.

  7. Beautiful hutch with so many heirlooms to treasure and things that make you smile.
    My fave things are things like this, which contain so many memories, from people we loved and are not here with us, but they remain through the wonderful things we display at home.
    I'm sure Bentley loves it too!!!

    1. I think so too. Thanks for visiting me today Fabby!

  8. I just love your hutch of memories! My sweet Mama loved blue and white china and so so I. What a beautiful glimpse of your treasures. ♥

  9. Your hutch is filled with some awesomely beautiful things. I am so happy you have the awesome memories as well.

  10. I enjoyed that. Anything that prompts loving memories is more than a thing!

  11. Susan, I remember your hutch from your Idaho cottage. It's filled with wonderful treasures. To me, family pieces or pieces that hold special memories of when I found them are my favorite things. I'm sentimental just like you. '-)
    I'm in love with your little Cafe Paris tureen. Does it have a mark? I'm making a note of the British Isles shop in Houston. I've not been.
    Hope you and David and Bentley havve a great weekend.

  12. How wonderful to have your treasures and treasured family memories out to view everyday.

  13. I love all of your blue and white crisp looking. It is wonderful that you have so many family pieces.
    There are some really cute cottages on the lakes in New England...we used to stay at a friend's in Sunapee every had an old stove up on legs, like from the 1920's...I loved it.
    I can just picture Bentley flushing the kitty out!

  14. I love your hutch the blue and white look so lively together but that you have a story with almost every piece makes it that more special to share.Susie

  15. So many lovely things and lot of memories for you too! xx

  16. I just returned from two weeks in the English countryside and Beatrix Potters home, I LOVE the toast rack. Every morning we were served our brown toast in a rack. I recently bought a Chintz patterned one. So fun to see your treasures.

  17. Way to go Bent!!!!!! You show that cat who is the boss! Duhgall sends an aroooooo of approval, too.

    Susan, your hutch is filled with so many beautiful pieces and how wonderful that you have you mother's


  18. This is gorgeous! Susan I am reading a book on Beatrix Potter and her gardens! I never knew how much they influenced her. You can find exact corners of Hill Top farm in her many paintings. What a talent she was. Love your cupboard.

  19. We like the same things blue calico by Burleigh or Staffordshire England Beatrice Potter and any blue and white china and I love tin tole trays LOL
    I have collected the blue calico pattern like your little square teapot since 1980's

  20. I love your hutch and the personal stories. I don't have many hand me downs, but I love glass and china. The milk glass pitcher with grapes is like the green glass I collect from the 1970's. My antique butter pats are square. Often when I enter Goodwill I say "grandma died and the kids didn't want her old treasures" Recently, it looked like they cleaned out my cupboards. More treasures than money.
    Thanks for sharing.


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