Saturday, August 23, 2014

Found Treasures

No politics today ~ just fun and eye candy!
Bird cage, cachepots and a chintz pillow.  Right up my

Years ago I found these adorable vintage lamb S&P's.
The paint is worn away in spots but to me that makes
them even more endearing.

A vintage embroidered pillow slip.   This past June David and I were
in Fredericksburg, TX and there is this wonderful old fashioned "dime store" on
Main Street.  They have a section for sewing and notions and they had all the
old fashioned iron on transfers.  The next time I go there I will pick some
up.  I am so charmed by this kind of work.

I had to slip this one in because he is the best treasure of all.  Here is
Bentley sitting at his grandma's table.  She let him do that because like
all grandma's she was indulgent.  Notice his ball in the background?
She kept and closet full of toys for him and he knew exactly where 
they were.  I know I am prejudice, but isn't he cute?

I love this roo covered dish.  My Mom bought that sweet chair in the
background at a Goodwill shop years and years ago for $1.00.

I found both of these pillows at a consignment shop.
The heart shaped toile covered one is my favorite. 
Notice the gingham trim and the soft rosebud fabric
used for the sides.  Sweetness!

I have a little weakness for vintage picnic baskets.  I 
painted this one a soft sage color.

Vintage pitchers.

My Mom bought this miniature tin kitchen cabinet years ago at a tag sale.
It was already vintage when I got it so who knows how old it is, but I love it.

Crushing on little birds.

Mackenzie Childs. 

My French market basket.

Vintage tools.

And repurposed vintage tool boxes.

Family heirloom tool boxes.

White wicker.

Vintage dotted swiss fabric.

Pretty little aprons and dish towels.

Things I have found for David's desk at work.

Vintage books.

Vintage aluminum tumblers, tray and a cookbook with blast from the past

And memories of beautiful sunsets on the Oregon coast.

Have a happy weekend!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. There's a time and a place for everything and room on blogs for all sorts of posts. I read your post yesterday, but didn't feel, as someone not from the USA, in a position to comment, though we share so many of the concerns that you, south of the border have.
    Of all the pretty things you showed today, I love the pink toile, gingham and rosebud cushion best of all.

  2. I sure remember those aluminum tumblers. How when you put one to your mouth, the surface was always a bit cold. I haven't seen those around in years. Love the birds and all the pretties. But best of all is the photo of Bentley.

  3. Love the heart pillow and that cutie, Bentley, looks like he got a fur trim!!!

  4. Love the aprons and dishtowels. Of course Bentley always steals the show. That is just the way it is when you are so adorable. xo LAura

  5. Bentley is definitely my favorite!

  6. Whoever did the Hers pillowcase was a true artist. The color combinations and the stitches are just remarkable, and the lace is gorgeous.
    I do want to say thank you for the true life posts. I too am anxious about the direction the word is moving. I hope we in the Western World can recognize the danger before it is too late, but it is not just the West, people of all faiths must recognize that terrorism is against us all.

  7. You have shown us so very nice things....but, Bentley stills the show for cuteness.

  8. I just love all your lovely things--especially the heart toile pillow! Just beautiful--♥

  9. I built my husband a tool tote like the one in your picture with the bread boards behind it. He doesn't use it so I am reclaiming it to use like you are, to put some of my pretties in! I also have an affinity for vintage picnic baskets & I love yours. Sage green is one of my very favorite colors. The antique toy kitchen cabinet is also adorable. But yes Bentley, you steal the show as the cutest of all.

  10. Lots of happy memories in all of your beautiful things! I love your heart cushion. xx

  11. What memories you've brought back for me! My dad had that same tape measure and folding ruler and I would have loved to have gotten them when he passed away--I spent so many hours playing with them in his workshop when I was a kid. My sister threw out all that stuff that was Dad's, never considering that my other sister or I might like them. (If you EVER want to get rid of them, please let me know!)


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