Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Labor Day Tablescape Ideas

Although Labor Day is not officially the last day
of summer, it signals to all of us that summer 
activities are coming to an end.  So what are your
plans?  Maybe a backyard BBQ?

Or cocktails on the patio?


Or a wine and cheese spread?

A pack and go lunch to take along on a drive down lovely
country roads?

Or maybe just hang out on the back porch.

Grab some tropical feel linens and a hand painted southwest

Add a small bowl of salsa and some chips.

And a couple of vintage glasses with tropical stir sticks and fill
with ice and the beverage of your choice.

Don't forget the limes.
And you are ready to party on the porch!

Bentley had a wonderful National Dog Day.
He had an extra treat, extra play sessions, extra
tummy rubs, meatballs for dinner and a long,
long walkie afterwards.  It was a good day!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I hope that you have a great time whatever you do! xx

  2. I love the variety of items you are using for your celebration!

  3. I love the red and blue for the barbecue! Glad Bentley enjoyed his day. Have a wonderful Labour Day weekend, Susan. Visiting from Jann's party.


  4. I love those vintage glasses! Happy end of summer to you, sweet sister!

  5. Love all your ideas for celebrating this weekend. Your pretty tote would be so much fun to use for a picnic! I love the pink and white polkadot napkins to cute. Have a wonderful week!


  6. Love the vintage glasses! Just the same-o, same-o here. I'm a creature of habit.

  7. Beautiful and colorful table things! Everything looks so delightful....Christine

  8. Hubby and I are usually off tripping for Labors Day, but this year we will be at home. I know we will spend sometime out back and enjoying the last hooray of summer! Hope to be surrounded by lots of beauty and inspiration like you have shared! Happy Holiday! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  9. I love everything in this fun post...and so so glad Bentley had a good DOGGIE DAY. :)

  10. What a fun post! You have all the fixings for a perfect Labor Day celebration. Enjoy the weekend!

  11. Love the vibrancy of your colors so summery and bright I hate to think of Labor day as the end to summer but I cant wait for Fall to get here.Suise

  12. How pretty is all of this?! It really does make me want to invite the family outside for a little porch party this weekend. I figure if you can brave the heat in Texas, this Georgia girl ought not to be such a wimp about it. I loved all the colors and how everything looked so festive and HAPPY.

  13. I love these decorating ideas. The designs are so vibrant and the view is so happy and cheerful.
    Casual Home Idea

  14. Susan, you had me on the first shots with the bandana napkins with the blue and white, too! Love it! What an adorable picnic that would be!

    And then you fed us salsa and chips. My fave!

    Great homage to summer. So cheerful and happy!


    Sheila :-)


  15. I have to say that your "Cocktails on the deck" idea is one of the coolest ideas ever! It looks so elegant to display crystal decanters on the deck. Love it!

  16. Love the cocktails on the patio have a great holiday

  17. Any of your suggestions sound good to me, and I can assure you much of our time during the weekend will be spent on the porch taking in the beauty right in front of us. Cheers to you, too!

  18. Any of them sound wonderful to me! Everything is so beautiful. I know, the end of summer always seems like the day the kids go back to school, even though we are empty nesters! Always sad! But I do love Autumn, so that is good, but Summer is my top!

  19. Hi Susan,

    I love all your pretty, outdoor vignettes! They look very charming and summery. We're looking forward to the three-day weekend here at our house. :)

    Thank you for your visit and have a great day and a lovely holiday weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  20. They're all great Labor Day ideas, Susan, but my favorite would be the long country road. I'll be settling for my patio, though, and that's ok, too. I'm glad Bentley had a wonderful National Dog's Day!!

  21. What a fun post! Love all the great ways one can celebrate this weekend!

  22. So many wonderful ideas and vignettes here. I LOVE those glasses!

  23. Nothing exciting planned fo rmy day. Just playing bingo with my senior friends.

  24. I love that top photo of the picnic vignette!! Very pretty. Cute post! I like all the different way of celebrating summer fun!

  25. Gorgeous summer tablescape and I am in love with those vintage glasses!

  26. I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend Susan, We did the patio BBQ thing, Best ribs I've ever made! All of your vignettes look wonderful. I love the tote bag. Maybe this weekend we can take a tote bag along on a ride in the country. Ahhh.... just relaxing would be nice.

  27. One last hurrah for summer! Thanks for linking with HSH!


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