Saturday, August 16, 2014

Little Cottages Make My Heart Flutter


You can show me the biggest mcmansion ever and I won't be in love.
The houses that make my heart flutter are the charming little cottages.
Show me a sweet little cottage and I am guaranteed to start


Add an arbor and a picket fence ~ better call 911 :-)


Sweet stone chimney, cute little windows with tie back priscilla curtains.


Cupid ~ you just shot an arrow through my heart!


While I sit back and try to get my heart rate back down to normal,
I will let you gaze upon some more cottage cuteness.

Disclaimer:  Should you choose to continue gazing further, I am
not responsible for any heart palpitations ;-)





How are you feeling?  Okay?  Ready to go on???





Compose yourself and have a wonderful weekend!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. oh oh I want the blue one close to the end of your post. its so adorable and I know it would have a peaceful vibe inside....

    which is your fav, Susan?

    1. It's a tough choice but I think my favorite is the little cottage with the stone chimney and the cute shuttered window with the priscilla tie back curtains. I would love to build one just like that. Sign … maybe one day :-) So good to hear from you my friend!

  2. Show me a stone fireplace and my mind starts to dream....of course then I look at all my "stuff" in just this one room and snap out of it. I would need there three "little painted ladies" in the last photo to keep all my stuff. Fun to dream...........

    1. I know ~ stone fireplaces do that to me too! Maybe you and I need to build a whole village of little cottages :-) Good dream don't you think?

  3. Be still my beating heart. I am so with you, Susan. A small cottage with a picket fence gets to me every time. xo Laura

    1. Hi Laura! I am just about to come over and visit you!!

  4. One of each please! I would have a hard time choosing from this list of beauties. Hello Bentley!

  5. I'm SO with you!! A tiny stone cottage in Great Britain with a big, overgrown garden and roses and ivy climbing all over, totally my dream house! Those are all adorable :) What a fun post!

  6. Susan, I'm a fan of cottages too. We live in a 1930 cottage. The rooms are small and cozy, just the way we like it. I wouldn't know what to do in a large rambling home.

    1. No wonder you are so content Sarah! A 1930's cottage is heavenly!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What I wouldn't give to have the 8th one down for a weekend getaway. Sweet tea on the porch with Alan Jackson serenading me on the radio. Ahh, the good life!

  9. I'm 100% with you, sister!!!! I would love to have a cottage away from home to retreat to when the going gets tough! That is a dream of mine! That one on the river...WOW!!! Amazing!!! The 1st one looked like it was maybe in England or Ireland. The 2nd one with that cool little entry into the yard was a REAL winner for me, as was the one with the red door! I'm a sucker for a red door!!!!

    Neat post, Susan!

    1. Red doors are so inviting. Here's hoping that your dream comes true!

  10. I love the tiny cottages you featured! So charming! ♥

  11. I love the cottages, however me being a person in need of space I could never live in one. These all are so cute though.

    1. That's why houses are built in all different sizes and styles. There is something for everyone.

  12. McMansion don't do a thing for my heart either. But a cottage, makes me swoon! I like homes that offer more in the sense of intimacy, don't need a lot of room, and big is never better. The first five had me at hello!

    1. I love the intimacy of a cozy little place too. Makes me feel like I am playing house again!

  13. You had me at 'Priscilla curtains'....!!!

    1. I love Priscilla curtains like the ones in the old movies of the 1930's and 40's. They are so sweet and happy looking. You can still buy the organza ones at Country Curtains.

  14. Oh that house boat nearly did me in ! ( I wish I knew if he knew what I'm thinking of LOL )
    Beautiful cottages and I agree completely - small cottages appeal to me more than Macmansions.............

    1. Have you ever been to Seattle and seen all the houseboats there? Or in Amsterdam? I could very easily be happy and comfy in one. Just think ~ the gentle motion of the water would rock you to sleep every night.

  15. Well, sister, I looked at them 3 times and I my eye keeps going back to the little one with the green shutters, stone chimney and tie back ruffled curtains. I had Priscilla curtains long ago, in the picture window at my house :) I see you picked that one, too! Shocking!!! xoxo

    1. I think we should buy a plot of land and build two little cottages just like that for the four of us with a little pathway leading to each other's door!

  16. Love them too, think I need to add some gingerbreading to my little garden cottage...hmm?

  17. Lovely cottages. I love cottages! The flower beds are wonderful! I came over from Beckys Sweet Cottage. I saw your comment.
    Hugs from Texas. I am a Texas girl too so wanted to come by and say Hi neighbor!
    Have a wonderful week,

  18. We must all be of the same ilk, I want the freedom and the charm of a small house. I have a neighbor who had the most beautiful room made in his 19th century farmhouse for a parent. Fireplace on one end, with couch and two over-stuffed chairs facing the fireplace, a harvest table with quite a few chairs 10 feet from the back of the couch, a galley kitchen behind that, then the bathroom and then a bedroom in back. It was all set up and decorated so simply and beautiful. The windows faced a huge perennial garden and the barn on one side and on the other...acres of open land. It looked perfect to me.

  19. Thank you for coming to say your Independence Day wish to us.Kind of you.The cottages are pretty and dreamy.Lovely flowers too.Love to own one of this kind in a hilly area.Hugs sujatha...:):)

  20. Oh I am definitely with you on the cottage love....I have a collection like this on Pinterest, just drool whenever I scroll thru. Happy Week and thanks so much for stopping by and leaving some love!!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.