Monday, August 4, 2014

New Chair Cushion for Guest Room

Little by little I have been working on what is now a guest room.  I keep
painting furniture ~ still not finished ~ but I did manage to finish the
chair cushion for the antique French chair in one corner.

Here it is.  It took me forever to complete.  It's not that it was so 
complicated or time consuming, but lately I keep getting distracted by
other things.  Does that ever happen to you?  Yesterday it was hanging
some curtain panels in the family room and hanging Daddy's huge
old world map too.  I will have to show you that later.  

Anyway, here is the plaid seat for this chair.  I love the little round 
pillow too, but I did not make that one.  I just like the two of them
together.  I think they are happy looking.

I am also spending lots of time looking for accessories.  I always think
that it's the accessories that give a room it's character.  Well, once I
get browsing, hours can easily pass by.  I end up looking for a dozen
things instead of focusing on one or two.  

Bentley's house guest Toby went back home yesterday afternoon.
His family all came by to pick him up.  He was home for about
an hour and then he snuck under the fence and showed up at
our porch door wagging his tail and wearing a big smile on his
cute doggie face.  His momma came back to get him and we all
had a big laugh.  In many ways, dogs are just like little kids :-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I know what you mean spending a few in the shops just looking is a very nice way to spend the afternoon.
    The guest room is looking lovely.

  2. The guest room is looking very pretty! What colour have you used on the walls?

  3. Hi Susan,

    Your link is defective; as soon as I finish this comment, I'll fix it.

    I like this guest room; you'll have happy guests, that's for sure. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  4. It looks lovely. I love the nice colors you chose for the room, so cozy.

  5. Susan I love everything about this space...soooooo pretty!!

  6. What a beautiful guest room, Greta and I will be right over! Love the colors and all the windows

  7. A lovely will be entertaining lucky guests! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

  8. What a pretty guest room Susan! I hope you are enjoying the Texan life! It looks that way. Give Bently a hug from dear old Lucy!

  9. Susan, your guest room looks comfy and inviting. Pretty chair. '-)

  10. You did a really great job! The cushion and pillow are totally made for each other! Such pretty textiles throughout the room! I LOVE the shutters in there!!! I may have told you that before, but it bears repeating. I would love to have shutters like that in a couple of rooms in our home, especially my dressing room. I would feel all Scarlett or Rapunzel or something!!! :-)

  11. Susan, this is so pretty. I just clicked on your "The Cottage" tab at the top of your page and there is nothing there, but some comments. Would love to see more of your home all in one spot. Featuring this guest room at Wow tomorrow.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.