Thursday, August 14, 2014

Rustic Charm and Old Music

Last week I showed you a formal tablescape in my dining room.
Although I enjoy having dinner in that room, my favorite place to 
serve a meal is in the kitchen.  Sometimes we eat at the breakfast
bar and sometimes it's the farmhouse table.  Which ever spot we
choose, I serve it up from the island.  

I love to have music playing in the background and I will tell you a little
secret ~ my house loves old music.  You might think that I am a bit off for
saying so, but I believe that houses have soul.  Now my house was built in
1948.  It was lovingly designed by it's owner.  In fact, the original blueprints
for the house were left in the kitchen.  The family name is still on the door
knocker and I am not sure that I will ever have the heart to remove it.

This house grew up being well loved and well enjoyed by the family
who lived here.  It has a very midcentury soul.  Every corner of this home
is happy.  The kind of station wagon in the driveway, Brownie, Girl Scouts
and Cub Scout meeting kind of happiness.  I can envision many festive
Christmas mornings, Easter egg hunts in the backyard and bridge club
afternoons here.  

And music!

Not just any kind of music, but the music of it's birth.  Every stud, beam and
eave resonates to the music of the 40's 50's and 60's.  Nat King Cole, 
Rosemary Clooney, Count Basie make the house smile and come alive.

So in the kitchen I honor this house by always playing the kind of music
that makes it smile.  Fortunately we have a local music station that plays
this music all day long virtually uninterrupted.  Now if I come to learn
that the classic radio station is only received at my house I will know that
I am living in a Twilight Zone episode ;-)

Bentley likes the old music too.  I know this to be a fact
because I often pick him up in my arms and dance around the
kitchen with him.  My Mom always did this with our dogs.
They loved it and Bentley does too!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I do think a house embodies more than lumber and nails and such. I thought my last one might be a bit haunted. I'm so glad you're in a house you love, and that Bentley loves the music. I smiled when you said your mother danced around with the dogs in her arms. True dog love in your family!

    1. You are right Brenda ~ dog lovers from way bag. Generational dog love!

  2. I love music playing, I have the radio on all the time, oldies, Gershwin, Cole Porter and classical. I am making gravy/sauce today and my house smells wonderful. Love your setting - I need to get my china out and take photos instead of being in the cupboard. I see Brenda commented before me. Brenda is such a special person.

    1. Brenda is a peach and one of my very dearest friends! Thanks for stopping by. I am imagining the wonderful aroma coming from your kitchen right now.

  3. Great looking place settings. The burlap ribbon has my heart!

    1. What is it about burlap that seems so appeal to us all???

  4. What a fun post Susan, your words had me smiling, not to mention your welcoming table, I just love the elements you combined to make this soulful table for your house full of music and soul!

  5. Como sempre, adoro seus posts. Você é bastante romântica! E eu concordo plenamente com você sobre as casas terem alma! A casa que eu moro, foi construída nos anos 60, mas nós a demolimos e construímos outra, pouco aproveitando o que já tinha. E, desde então, também achei que ela ganhou uma alma nova, cheia de encantos, alegria e magia! Posso ter passado um dia ruim... mas quando chego em minha casa, sinto as energias se renovarem! Me sinto forte, feliz, renovada! Ah! Eu também danço e canto muito com minhas duas cachorras Catarina e Angélica, que são minhas filhinhas caçulas! Sei que é muito difícil, mas eu adoraria te conhecer! Sinto que temos muito em comum! Beijos!!!!

  6. We sell burlap in my store here in Washington. I love when I get to cut it. We have solid colors & all kinds of decorative prints. There's gardening themed, Paris themed, Christmas, geometric designs & many others. I went to Pinterest for some ideas for the upcoming holidays & boy were there a few! I can't wait to try out some of the ideas I got. Maybe a burlap pumpkin for starters. So much fun!

    1. If I worked at your store all of my paycheck would be gone!

  7. Yes, sometimes I have to put blinders on! Lol. It's very hard.

  8. That's the kind of home I love! I think it's the kind of home I aspire to make this one, although I feel every day as if I'm falling sorely short.

  9. I had a breakfast bar in my former house and there are times when I dearly miss sitting at the bar for two and enjoying a nice meal. I love your place setting here, and the clever burlap napkin rings.

  10. Lovely casual the flatware. Still not typing much due to rotator surgery.

  11. Looks great! I love all you can do with burlap.

  12. Lovely table setting. We built our home 9 years ago and it loves music from the 60's ,70's and smooth jazz, giggle . This is such a terrific post.I can almost hear the music playing. I invite you to share at my blog hop today ( you can link up through Sat). Hugs

  13. Your lovely table setting is featured this week at Ivy and Elephants. A ray of sunshine, thanks so much for joining.
    Stop by and grab a featured button!


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