Monday, August 25, 2014

Three New Tweaks in the Family Room

It has officially happened ~ I have turned into my Mom.
I keep moving things around.  I have caught myself doing it
more and more often.  Well, y'all know what they say,
Like mother like daughter ...

I added one of my vintage horse prints to the bar in the 
family room.  I just suddenly felt compelled to do it 
because of the lamp base ...

You see how the base is decorated with a hunt scene?

I thought this print would feel right at home here.

Do you remember how just a few weeks ago I painted the
drum table between the cozy chairs at the library end of the 
room and thought maybe I would paint the dresser at the
opposite end of the room the same color?

Well ...

I did it.

And here it is.  David was a bit dismayed at first.  Men are
not usually crazy about painted furniture, but he got over it.
Our flat screen is on top of the dresser.  TV's have never
ever fallen onto my list of favorite decorating accessories,
but they are a fact of life.  

And I did something else.  I hung my Daddy's old framed
map of the world over the TV.   He loved this map and so 
do I.  It used to hang in our family room when I was a kid
and we would keep track of where Daddy was on his 
business travels around the globe.  Now it hangs in mine.
Y'all know by now that I am a sentimental fool.

Actually, I love maps.  I always have.  David does too.

And one last little thing ... I added some hydrangeas to this
wicker basket.  Why the Cocker Spaniel?  I just like him.
Yes M'am ~ I am turning into my Mom!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I'd like to do some decorating, but I find all my time taken up with other things suddenly. Helping a blogger with her blog today. I don't have a TV in the living room. One of the great things about being divorced, some think. I have one in the bedroom. And I usually have Law & Order reruns on at night while I work on the computer. Yes, I'm on it about 12 hours a day!

    1. And you always get to watch what you want! Actually, I can't complain, David is very fair but he loves to have control of the remote. If he falls asleep in his chair, he usually has the remote in his hand :-)

  2. Hi Susan and Bentley (and hubby)! I'm so glad you swung by to say hi....yes, I think I'm finally back into the swing of things for blogging. I missed it so much. I LOVE your hunt scene theme. My brother has that theme in his office at home. I adore the painted dresser! Love the cocker spaniel..and why not? You don't have to have reasons. ;) I have to say...I never thought I'd say that I was turning into my mom either but I am, lol. I think there's no way of avoiding it. Hope you all are having a wonderful Monday!

    1. So good to hear from you Michelle! I am glad you are back to writing your beautiful blog. I have missed you.

  3. We do seem to turn into our moms, don't we. I love the changes. Like Brenda, I do all of my TV watching in my bedroom. It is a perk of being single I guess. xo Laura

    1. Every time I hear some phrase coming out of my mouth that my Mom used to say I am shocked. When I was a teenager I never would have believed it would happen one day.

  4. Me too! So much like my mom and I love sentimental pieces! Love this room!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  5. I like the changes, they look great! and I laughed when you said you were turning into your mom. My first husband used to say that to me thinking he was trying to "insult" me....he was never known for his brains....

    Have a good night!

    1. I am laughing too. Apparently all of us girls morph into mom :-)

  6. Oh I love the map. I have a map over my fireplace. I also love the cocker spaniel. I think they are the sweetest little dogs.

    1. Cockers are very sweet. I don't see many of them now though. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Early on, I said I would never be like my Mom's and I resent everything she told me to do. As time went by, I began to see that she knew things I needed to know so I turned to her for advice, recipes, etc. I think, by the time I realized I was turning into my Mom I actually appreciated her and I embraced it. A map brings such a sense of worldliness to a room. Dianne

  8. I love the color of the paint you used. Moving things around make things feel fresh.

  9. Hi Susan! I'm wondering. . . what color did you paint your drum table and dresser? I love them! And are those library chairs slipcovered? That fabric sings to my heart!

  10. Susan,
    I wanted to stop in and thank you for your visit. I am so late returning visits but I have been busy with our church Flea Market..... I LOVE this room. It just beams charm and coziness and warmth!!

  11. I had to chuckle......we had our beloved Cocker Spaniel growing up as a child. He lived to be almost 20 years old, Patty Boy was a sweet little black dog with a heart as big as all out doors. I love Cockers, but what had me chuckling was that I have that exact little
    adorable faux one that you have that sits on a pillow in my living room. I have had it for years and although it may not always go with my decor I can't bring myself to get rid of it, so there it sits without ryhmm or reason just because I love it.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.