Monday, September 15, 2014

Lucy and Ethel Paper Hangers

Saturday I went over to Hobby Lobby with the idea that I would look
for some additional fall decorations, but instead came home with this.
A framed Sweet Tea recipe, on sale, how could I resist?  It is hanging
in the breakfast room.  After all, I drink iced tea all day long so it
seems very appropriate!

I rearranged the breakfast room table centerpiece ever so slightly.
I love this room, but I want to paint the walls a creamy white and paint
the paneled wainscoting too.  While I am looking forward to it's completion,
I am not looking forward to the task itself.  There is a lot of 
painting I want done in the house.  Here is my ~

Big To Do List

The Breakfast Room
The Kitchen
The Hallway of One Wing of the House
My Studio
The Guest Bedroom
The Laundry Room

Yikes!  That's a lot of painting.  I want to repaint the living
room walls too but maybe I will get a professional painter to
do that since the ceiling is higher in that room and the room is
just plain big.  

I'm still trying to decide on a wallpaper for the guest bath.
I am going to have that done because I don't trust myself
to do it.  Especially after seeing this ...

I love to watch I Love Lucy on the Hallmark Channel.  Remember when Lucy and
Ethel tried to hang wallpaper themselves in Lucy's bedroom?

There is a good chance that with me hanging the paper, it may turn out
like this ;-)

Did I ever show you the gallery wall in my breakfast room?  It will be
so much better when I paint this wall a lighter color.  It is always so
dark in this room.  I think I should talk to my electrician about installing
recessed lighting too.  There is only a chandelier in here now and
it's attractive, but does not throw off that much light.  It's cloudy 
here today too and that doesn't help when trying to take pics.
It's been my experience that electricians hate to install recessed lighting
in an older home.  It means that one of them will have to crawl up into
attic.  Never one of their favorite things to do.  I'll have to bake
cookies to bribe them.

Well that's all for now.  David left me with a list of things
to do today and so far I have only completed one task.
Better hustle!

Tweak It Tuesday

I have to give Bentley a bath too.  That is one huge
task because he really hates baths and squirms all over
the tub.  I should be wearing a rain suit lol!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh dear they did make a miss of that wallpaper, I sure you can do a better job.

  2. I can totally understand why you bought the Iced Tea picture and recipe. I love it, too. I even posted my favorite Sun Tea recipe on my blog recently, you should stop by and check it out:) I LOVE I Love Lucy. Just thinking about that show can make me laugh. I recently introduced my 13 year old daughter to the show and she thinks it's awesome! Good luck with the painting. I know it's a daunting task to want to paint so many rooms. But I'm with you. If I could I'd have every room in my house repainted. But until the paint fairy comes and does it, I'll just have to live with the walls as is. Have a great week.

  3. Our rooms need painting for sure. Just to really freshen things up. but not going to happen before winter and I hate to paint in the winter here as we are all closed in with the paint fumes.

  4. Good luck with the wallpaper, Lucy...uhh I mean Susan. :)


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