Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Quite Moments at Home

Have you ever been away from home for a day or two and when you
return you look at things in a more loving light?  I do.  I went away
with my husband for just a day and a night while he had business out 
in the oil patch.  Bentley and I came home this morning while David
went back to the office.  I walked around the house, fluffing pillows, 
sorting through the mail.  Things you do when you come return from
a trip.  Quiet moments when you reconnect with your home.  Bits
and pieces, nooks and crannies that house the memories and beloved
treasures of your life.  


Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I love it when I come home after a trip. My home is so important to me and it is my safe place.

  2. I feel the same after being away. It is always so good to be home. Enjoy your day! Pat

  3. Coming home is always the best part of a trip away.

  4. Yes! Like Dorothy said, "There's no place like home." I say that often as I walk in the door after a trip away. Hope you are having a nice day. Hugs to you and Bentley.

  5. I did this today after running errands.....could not wait to get home and put on a pot of beans to simmer while resting. We are blessed with an apartment in NYC and a home we love in Arkansas. To return to either after a trip or for months at a time is so comforting. I love returning to a clean and welcoming place, anxious to sit quietly and read while sipping coffee or tea. Love your blog and am a daily reader. I know you love your trips with your husband for work as I would these short trips are so fun and seeing parts normally not planned. :) Blessings to you, your husband and sweet pup! :)

  6. Coming home is always the best feeling, even if like your recent trip it's only for a day or two. Love photos.

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