Friday, October 17, 2014

Unexpected Insurance Salesman ;-)

I was out on the back porch sweeping and watering the plants
when this guy shows up.

These guys sure are persistent ;-)
He took scurried off when I told him that Bentley was
on his way out!

Happy Friday everyone!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I don't like any door sales people. Maybe if this were 1950, but it's not. We don't get our milk delivered to our front porch anymore. Mayberry Moments I love but sadly it's no longer a Mayberry society. Good thing he avoided a confrontation with that ferocious dog of yours, lol!

  2. So cute, Susan! These guy are constantly at my door, too. But as soon as they hear the scratches of my Peeka cat,
    they scurry away! LOL Happy weekend.

    1. Usually he likes to hang around my recycling bin out back. Today he decided to hang out by my potting bench. He's super cute, but he does not like me to take pics of him ~ he is shy ;-)

  3. oh my gosh Susan, I had to look at your photos a few times to actually see that pesky insurance guy! I was about to be worried that you were being "stalked"! I saw plenty of those cuties while we lived in San Antonio, much better than scorpions!

    1. That's so funny Debra! It's more like I am stalking him. We see each other every day. Today was the first time he did not run away. That's probably because Bentley was busy chatting with the Jack Russell terrier who lives next door. The meet at the fence every day.

  4. very cute he would be scared of bently

  5. Door to door anything & telemarketers - why do they keep trying? I get sometimes up to a dozen unwanted calls a day & it makes no difference if we're on any do-not-call list or how angry I get. I've started answering the phone & setting it down. It doesn't disconnect for quite a while & they can't make a call until I hang up.

    I've started letting my dogs out on anyone coming door to door. They won't hurt a flea but my black lab looks scary to anyone who doesn't know dogs. I've finally had a slow down from one group that drove me nuts since I've let my dogs out on them a few times. I used to try to be polite, I know it's just their job, but no is no & I am tired of it.

    OK, you hit a nerve this morning! I'm off my rant. :)

  6. I was already to warn you about door to door salesmen, and how scary that must have been. Until I read one of the comments...hahaha

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Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.