Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Before and After Sneak Peak

I have been wanting to paint the wainscoting in my breakfast room
ever since we moved in to our house.  Finally, it is happening.  
I will give you a sneak peak.  I hope to have all of it done before next

Here it is.  Looking at this pic I realize that there are shadows all
over the wainscoting which makes it look like the paint has not covered
the brown, but in reality it has.

Here is a question for you ~ I have noticed that after years of watching
HGTV and other decorating programs, I think about a project, plan it 
out and when it comes time to actually complete the project I am 
stunned by how much time it takes to complete!  It seems like I should
be able to repaint, remodel and redecorate in an hour lol!!!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan and Bentley, I love the painted wainscoting! Thanks for pointing out about the shadows, because I did think the paint didn't cover it.
    I had to laugh at your final comment-yes, we now think that everything should be a speedy job. My hubby is re caulking the shower and it's taking much longer than I thought it would.
    Have a wonderful evening!

    1. Hi Noreen! Oh the dreaded re-caulking job. Tell your hubby de has my sympathy ;-)

  2. I love it, Susan! It just brightens up the space so much! Lord have mercy, I do the same thing. I think I can accomplish something in an hour and it takes me three days! I always think it'll take much less time to do things than it really does. Now you're still a youngun, but I move a lot slower now and have to stop and take little rests! :)
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. I'll tell you a little secret ~ I take little rests too! I TiVo'd "When Harry Met Sally" and I kept taking tea and Diet Dr Pepper breaks!! How's the snow? Still loving it??

  3. That really did brighten up the corner. Yes, every project we do here at our house takes days instead of two or three hours and several trips to Lowes!!

    1. They all know me at Lowes and Sherwin Williams too lol!

  4. That paint job really looks great! So much lighter looking! I keep putting off painting my kitchen cabinets because I just know it's going to take so much longer than I plan. Wish that HGTV crew would drop by and do it in an hour. LOL. Oh well, I can dream!


  5. My kitchen cupboards are peach & salmon. Not my choice by any stretch of the imagination. The previous owner was an older lady & bless her sweet little heart, she had some interesting color preferences. I've already painted over a red wall in my family room & a purple wall in the living room. I cannot wait for warmer, drier weather to tackle those kitchen cupboards! Should only take a couple of hours, right Susan? Lol. Your wainscoting looks much better btw.

  6. Really brightens it up! I cannot wait until I can see your home, in person, someday! Love you and little Bentley!

  7. How exciting! It's looking oh so pretty too! I have the same problem getting projects done - - seems like they take forever!

  8. Yes and they make it look so very simple and sometimes it's really NOT. I like how it has turned out. :)

  9. Uh I love your house so much. Looks great. All my projects day days more than I figured. My kids and life keep interrupting me. The nerve.

  10. TV and movies really skew our sense of timing on stuff, huh? I noticed the same thing! I can't think of much of anything I can complete in an hour or less!!!

    I love the wainscoting!! I would love to be able to do that in our home! It's a great look! Painting is one of the hardest jobs in the world in my book. It's not easy AT ALL!!! I commend you for doing this!!!!!!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.