Monday, November 10, 2014

Funeral Plans? Not Yet!

The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
~Mark Twain

I disappeared for a while last week.  David and Bentley and I took off for the
beautiful Texas Hill Country.  It was a vacation from work for David.  A fun
filled time of exploration for Bentley.  A time for me to reflect.  A mini
sabbatical if you will.  I kept computer use to an absolute minimum.  Didn't
text except when necessary.  Watched very little television ~ particularly no news.

But then my blissful little escape came to a screeching halt when ….

I received a phone call from the funeral home that took care of my Mom.
I had paid the bill promptly so I knew they were not calling about that.
I had filled out the questionnaire regarding their services.  Check that box
too.  Why were they calling???

To see if they could send me some information about planning my own

What???  I am not ready to die.  I am looking for ways to live life more
fully ~ not my last scene!  There is so much more I want to do, to see, to
explore, to relish about life.

By the way ~ I picked up that cute little hobnail vase at an antique shop
in Fredericksburg.  Would I do that if I were planning to die???

Or would I add this cute little birdhouse to my office?  I think not.
I realize that everyone at some time in their life has to make some
decisions about their demise, and I will, but I am in no hurry to
bring down the final curtain.

What did I glean from my mini sabbatical?  I learned that I have been
pushing myself in directions that just don't feel right to me.  I have been
chasing after things that are not my dreams.  I spent time thinking about
reconnecting to my authentic self.  

So like the title of the book currently on my nightstand ~
Well Read, Then Dead  
I am going to focus much more on my reading and writing.
I am going to take a course from Oxford.  I will still be here at Ash
Tree Cottage but the tone of this blog will be a bit different.  
For me, and I hope for my readers too, it will be a good thing.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sounds like a well needed break taught you some things. :)

    I have that sweet little birdhouse too. We like many of the same things.

  2. Look forward to your new direction and the insights you will bring. You made me laugh with this one although I am sorry about the call wrecking that mini sabbatical from the world!

    1. That phone call spooked me for a bit and then I just decided to look at it as insensitive marketing ;-)

  3. I too have recently been stepping back and watching for confirmations as I follow the call of my soul. Your post today is one of them. Thank you. Enjoy your journey.

    1. Following your heart is the best thing you can do.

  4. Oh, the refreshing spirit of the hill country! Glad you three had a great time.

    1. So pretty up there. We drove over to Ingram, just outside of Kerrville to visit Rio Vista, David's boyhood camp. Still there and still wonderful.

  5. It's good to step back some times / get a new perspective / wait for direction :)

  6. Love the Hill Country! And I am so glad you are not planning to die anytime soon. Honestly, that is really insensitive of that callous outfit. Looking forward to seeing what new direction you take your blog.

    1. My funeral is the last thing on my mind. What a minute is that a pun???

  7. Now, I'm sorry for cursing, but that's just the shits. A funeral home company trying to drum up business. What kind of world do we live in anyway? Jeez.

  8. Wow I have never heard of a funeral home doing something like that. I bought a little milk glass dish like the one you have pictured
    when we were antiquing this past weekend :)
    Joy @ Books and Life

    1. I am becoming more and more like my grandmother. She liked milk glass too.

  9. Susan, from a lawyers stand point, planning your estate is the sensible thing to do. From a funeral home's stand point, it is all about making money. How dare them. I am so glad you are not leaving this earth yet. I need to come and visit you. It's on my bucket list ( no pun intended). Just enjoy each day to the fullest ~ live, love and laugh. Feel the joy each day brings. xo

    1. I'm planning to stick around for quite a long while. Make sure you come to visit me more than once! Can hardly wait!!

  10. My son and I have discussed death and he wants to die before me. Said he couldn't live without me. So we have made an agreement. If it's left up to us he will die first, then me.

    Glad you got some time to get away and think. I spent a lot of time alone while I was on vacation. Got me thinking about the direction I needed to go these next 2 years. I'm thinking and making plans...

    1. It's so important to make the most of each moment. It's something we all say, yet it is often what we forget to do.

  11. WHAT?..?? You're taking some time to yourself to reflect on which direction to take at this point in your life...and the funeral home calls asking you to make your final arrangements? REALLY.?? SHUT THE BACK DOOR!! Some days you win .... and some days you lose...

    1. I know it ~ bad timing on their part. I bounced back from the shock and had a good long giggle about it :-)

  12. I know it has been a difficult transition for you, first moving to Texas, then losing your mother, but I think you are on the right track. Sometimes it is hard to get "planted" in a new place. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the beautiful hill country. My husband and I live in Dallas and try to make frequent trips there. Our oldest son lives in Austin. I pray your new endeavors will be just the ticket for you.
    Welcome to Texas!

    1. Thank you Sharon! Yes, there have been some stressful changes this past year. I have realized how precious each moment is and why it's so important to be true to oneself.

  13. Being true to our authentic self is one of the most important things that we can do. I am so happy to hear that you are venturing out in a new direction. Looking forward to see where your journey takes you. xo Laura

  14. Be true to yourself....that is the only way to go....
    We will be right here to see what the next chapter brings!
    Except for this weekend when WE are sneaking off to Freds'burg...YAAAAYYYYY I am SO ready for a few days to loaf and check out the junk shops!!!
    Blessings to you,

    1. You are going to FBG??? I was just there. You will enjoy my latest post about some of the cottages there. Oh how I love that town! Such a charming place and so much fun too. We went to the Hill Top Cafe for the Big Band Bash. We had a great time.

  15. The stark reality of death is just so freaky! We all know it's coming at some point, but we don't want to think about it for fear of hastening its arrival. I feel ya there! When my Daddy died last year, my Mom immediately started stepping up plans for her own demise so that my sister and I would not be "burdened" with all that comes with it. While I'm glad she has done that, I have to say it has been emotionally devastating. Just this morning I started crying at the thought of losing my Mom. I just don't know what I would do in this world without her. Death is a tough, tough reality to face. Putting of the planning is probably better for the psyche!

    I'm glad to see you've uncovered another side of you that has been buried deep. I'm looking forward to seeing what the new tone of your blog might be. We have to be, above all else, true to ourselves. That truth may change with each passing year, but whatever and whoever we are, it's imperative that we live that truth. Good for you!!!

    Have a a wonderful Wednesday. Susan!


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