Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Difficult Christmas

I survived Christmas.  It was a tough one.  Not only was it the first one
without my Mom which made it tearful, but other things happened that
made the day especially tough for me.  My Aunt Susan, my Mom's sister
fell and broke her leg last year on the same day my Mom died.  My Aunt 
has been bed ridden ever since.  She is now becoming mentally
confused and I fear that I will be losing her soon too.  I was so sad that
we could not have a long chat together.  We have always been so close.

My Mom is wearing a sari in this picture.  It was a gift to her from one of my
Daddy's business associates who brought it to her from India.  I wonder
what Mom did with it?  I have yet to come across it.  

Monday the 29th would have been Mom's birthday.  I'll have to toughen up for
that day too.  But life goes on, and I will too.  

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I'm sorry for the loss of your mother and your Aunt's decline. xoxo

  2. Susan, I totally get where you are coming from. This year the celebration was bittersweet for me also. We lost our Mom in Nov and even though she hasn't been able to get out to celebrate with the family in a few years, her presence was missed. I sorry about your Aunt too. Dianne

  3. I understand your pain too well. My mom passed away three days before Thanksgiving, with the one month anniversary three days before Christmas. Her birthday is on the fourth of January. I hope you feel better.

  4. I really feel for you, I know how sad you must feel. We lost my mom three years ago, and this past September we lost my 29-year-old nephew, it was a very rough Christmas for my family. He was my sisters only child, and my only God-child. I will keep your aunt Susan and you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

  5. Brenda, remember Jesus has everything under control. He has guided you through these tough days and he will guide you through the tomorrows. My heart knows your pain all too well. I miss my mother more each day. I hope you find some comfort in knowing you are not alone. We out here hear you. You are a good and caring woman.

  6. I know how you are feeling. I lost my mom on December 2 and have been extremely sad this whole holiday season. While she had a life-limiting condition, we were not expecting her to pass away so soon. We still decorated and celebrated, but it definitely was not the same. I suppose it will get easier in the years to come, but it sure doesn't feel that way right now! Best wishes for a Happy New Year. xo

  7. The 'firsts' are always so hard. My mom is gone 17 years now and I still think of her so much at Christmas. It does make the season sad for me but I rejoice in the wonderful memories that I have of her. It will get easier but she will always be missed. I'm sorry about your Aunt, too. Sending a hug to you from Ontario. Deb

  8. Susan my heart goes out to you, and I know exactly how you are feeling. The first year is such a difficult one with each passing moment and occasion that they are not there with us. I still miss my Mom everyday. When we are blessed to be close to them. Tell Bentley to give Mom some extra kisses.

  9. Dear Susan - I'm sending hugs to you - I understand how you feel. My dear father has been gone for almost twelve years and I miss him at Christmas time so much. I shed many tears this Christmas season - missing my dad and dealing with my dear, little mother's dementia. Things just aren't the same as we lose those so dear to our hearts. Hug Bentley a lot and let your tears go - you really will find peace and healing in them.

  10. This was the 6th Christmas without my mom I never fail to miss her so much even though life has marched the past still comes up and grabs you by the heart.

  11. Hi Susan , I could sure relate to your situation, recently lost my mom and dad, having a hard time I guess it may be I am the only child. Christmas is hard as every day is but my 6 children keep me super busy so I am on the go always and that helps. If you ever need to chat I am a "Sweet Tea N' Salty Air " away. Wishing you a healthy new year Lisa

  12. My dear, sweet Susan, My heart and prayers go out to you and for honoring the memory of your Mother. It's been a bittersweet Christmas this year for us. I lost a high school friend very suddenly and unexpectedly the week before Christmas (43 is too young to die), and another friend (same age) is fighting for his life in the final stages of brain cancer. My own Mom had her (hopefully) final heart surgery on Monday, and was able to break out of the hospital and make it here to celebrate a belated Christmas with us. At the end of the day, God promises us a new tomorrow, whether it's the tomorrow we expect or not. There are no words to offer someone who is grieving, and you said that tomorrow will be equally as difficult for you. We have pain. We have sorrow. We have wonderful memories and those who care for us and pray for us. Big hugs and blessings to you for a wonderful 2015. Holly

  13. Oh Susan, I am so sorry! It's tough all year but especially when those special occasions come, hold on tight to those sweet memories.
    Many blessings,

  14. I love you. I'm praying for strength and peace in your heart.

  15. I want you to know that I think of you often, Susan. Holidays are especially difficult when we have suffered losses. Hold on to your sweet memories. xo Laura


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