Friday, January 16, 2015

Cinnamon Toast and Tea

I have not been feeling well all week.  I have been tired and achy and
 have had a headache on and off for days.  Nothing so severe that made
me think I needed to go see a doctor, but enough to make me feel like
crawling back under the covers.  

I have two home remedies for this condition of general malaise …

 Toast and tea is one, homemade chicken soup the other,  but 
this particular malaise is best treated with cinnamon toast :-)

Sometimes just plain toast is fine, but when the ailment calls
for emergency treatment,  white bread toasted (Texas toast is
preferable) with the crusts removed and generously sprinkled with
cinnamon sugar is what I recommend.  

Of course we all know that a cup of hot tea cures everything!

So the next time you are feeling a bit tired and achy and have a little
headache, give this remedy a try.  I'm feeling better already.

Disclaimer ~ this post is for amusement purposes only and is not
meant to imply that it actually has any healing powers.  If you really
feel ill, call your doctor.  You know I had to add that disclaimer
because everyone is so into legalese these days ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Beautiful... it's the simple pleasure that make life so worth living. Absolutely lovely. Please come share your blog posts over at the Home Matters Linky Party! We'd love to have you for a visit. The Door is OPEN. :)

    Life With Lorelai

  2. Susan and Bentley so glad you are feeling better. I have never liked tea. Everyone in my family drinks it except me. I am a coffee drinker but I have to be careful as I suffer from migraines and coffee does not help.

    1. I am just the opposite, I only drink coffee on weekends.

  3. Sometimes it just feels good to slow down and enjoy . . . nothing. Tea and toast is the perfect accompaniment.

    1. While I drink tea often, toast is a special treat ~ especially cinnamon toast. Trying to keep simple carbs to a minimum.

  4. I love cinnamon toast! I toast it in the toaster, butter it, put on the cinnamon and stevia, then put it under the broiler to make it a little crunchy. MMMMMM

  5. p.s. sorry you are not feeling your best, sweet sister:(

  6. I love this Susan. My fave times are the simple ones, with such a pretty setting and beautiful dishes, that makes the difference, such as cinnamon toasts and coffee, or tea.
    I'm happy you are feeling better and Bentley is just fine too.

  7. Susan, this is my first visit to your blog. So sweet! Your toast and tea looks so inviting! Please give my regards to Bentley! Blessings, Gina

  8. I sure hope that the tea has up you and running by morning. It's no fun being puny.

  9. Cinnamon toast played such a big part of my childhood. Love this post and of course, hope you are feeling better.

    Jane x

    1. Thanks Jane. I am feeling better now. Cinnamon toast was part of my childhood too.

  10. Susan, hope you feel better soon. So much flu going around here in TX. If you think it's the flu, go see your doctor.
    I'm a fan of cinnamon toast. I grew up eating it, but admit I've not had any in many a year. Fixed French toast for this morning's breakfast, but tomorrow I think it will be cinnamon toast. '- Love the calico container. Is it for sugar?

    1. Hi Sarah! Thankfully not the flu and I am feeling fine now. That's a calico teapot. I bought it at the British Isles shop in the Village (Houston) before David and I were married. Love calico!

  11. I hope you are feeling a bit better today. The blue and white would make me feel better! xoxo

    1. I am feeling great today! Thanks for stopping by!!

  12. Your sweet little tea is sure to make anyone feel better. It was so lovely just to look at. I've had the sniffles for 2 weeks now. I'm on my way to the kitchen to get my favorite tea cup and make some yummy cinnamon toast. I wish I thought of it sooner. Thank you for your post.

    1. Do it! I am completely recovered today. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you feel much better very soon. Big Hugs!

  13. Hope you are feeling better, Susan...I love cinnamon toast, but not tea or chicken soup!

    1. Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If you are I can understand not liking chicken soup.

  14. Just what I need about now! My husband IS a doctor, and I have no doubt he would wholeheartedly endorse this remedy! :-)

    1. Hi Alycia! Next time your doctor husband needs to confer on a medical case, I am all ears ;-) So happy to hear from you. How are you feeling after your surgery?


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