Monday, January 12, 2015

Daisy Fresh Farmhouse Tweaks

After the Christmas holidays when I finally start to pack all the
decorations and put things away, I do what many of you do too ~
tweak vignettes.  And what better place to start tweaking than in the
kitchen?  If you are like me, I spend lots of time in this room and
I like it to be a fresh and happy place.  

I added this new enamelware vase for my daisies that I usually buy
when I go to the grocery store each week.  I love daisies and they 
always make me happy.

This dairy slab was an after Christmas gift to myself.  I bought it
when Joanne Hudson was having a sale.  Despite the sale it
was still a bit extravagant, but I have wanted one forever.  It
is now organizing the coffee station.

These red velvet mini cupcakes have nothing to do with decorating
or organizing but they are so yummy and each one is a sweet and
tiny treat.  If you were here with me in my kitchen I would offer you
one.  Only one mind you, not because I am not generous but because
we all have to watch our waistlines :-)

I hope you enjoyed seeing the fresh as a daisy tweaks in my kitchen.
I can't wait to see what y'all have tweaked this week.

By the way ~ did you notice how Lady Mary is tweaking her
love life on Downton Abbey?  What do you think it was that
she asked Anna to buy for her?  David thought it was a
condom and I was thinking it was a diaphragm.  

Metamorphosis Monday
Tweak It Tuesday
Wow Us Wednesday

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Thank you for this post. We are having a very cold snowy day here in New York. The daisies we're perfeect!

    1. Thanks Pat! It's been really cold here in south Texas too. Stay toasty and have a happy day.

  2. Diaphragm!!! I love your new additions and daisies are on of my favorites. They always make me feel like it is summer. xo Laura

  3. I thought she bought a diaphragm too, but then I read a recap of last night's show and the author said it was a condom. Whatever it was, I felt embarrassed for Anna. As much as I love many of the niceties of Edwardian society, there were many customs that would have been hard to accept.

  4. Kitchen looks bright and sunny, and, like it says in the movie, "Aren't daisies the friendliest flower?"

    1. Yes and I love that line from "You've Got Mail" too!

  5. Those daisies are so pretty. I have looked at dairy slabs, but refuse to pay that kind of $$$...I can buy tons of dishes at the thrift store for what one slab would cost!
    I think it was French letters/condoms she was trying to procure...guess we may find out next week!
    Have a great week, Susan.

    1. I hate to wish away time but I am always so anxious for the next episode!

  6. I missed the show, as we had company. I did see Anna win the Golden Globe!!! Well deserved! I love your kitchen and I too love Daisies. I named our beloved Daisy, after my love for the flower.

    1. Robin you are just like the flower, pretty, happy and always friendly!

  7. It's so nice to see daisies, especially in the deep days of winter. They were always my mom's favorite flower. You have such a pretty kitchen; it looks so cozy. I thought it was a diaphragm. Deb

    1. Thank you Deb! Perhaps we will find out what Anna purchased next week. Fingers crossed.

  8. Replies
    1. They sure do brighten up a dreary and cold January day!

  9. Your kitchen is perfection !! What a pretty style :)

  10. Daisies are my number one all time favorite flower. You're kitchen looks cute and cozy. If those cupcakes have cream cheese frosting I'm there! Just rewatched "You've Got Mail" for the umpteenth time. Love that movie. Her little book store is so enchanting. I used to dream of having my own little quaint gift shop when I was a teenager. I was a teenager once, right? Lol

    1. Yes, they are red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. My favorites.


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