Thursday, January 1, 2015

Holiday Fun in Austin, Texas

David, Bentley and I went to Austin to ring in the new year.  We stayed at
Barton Creek Resort where David was hoping to play some golf.  Too 
cold!  But we found other fun things to do and of course Bentley had a
wonderful time!  He was pampered and catered to by all the staff.  Here he
is lounging in a sea of pillows on the bed.  What a life he has!!  If by 
chance reincarnation exists, I am coming back as a Yorkie.  Well, a 
Yorkie who leads a life like our little guy does.

The resort was full of families ~ lots of kids who were having great fun.
There were other dogs too.  Bentley met two Cocker Spaniels and the 
room next to ours also had a dog in residence.  Fireworks were going off
all night and we had a great view from our 7th floor balcony.  

When we woke up this morning there was a thick layer of fog that 
really was beautiful.

I did manage to get a pic of this palatial estate across the way.  This is not a
mcmansion ~ rather it is a full scale mansion.  Wow, what a place!

See the thick layer of fog?  We were socked in.

Another big house, yet it pales in comparison to the huge one I showed
you a couple of pics ago.

Austin certainly is beautiful and I love coming up here.  We had a 
wonderful mini vacation and are now safe and snug back at home in
our cozy nest.  We are rested and ready to dive head first into the 
new year.  I am looking forward to a happy one and Bentley and I
are wishing the same for you.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Happy New Year friends
    Lily & Edward

  2. That is some house! Thanks for sharing. Glad you are safely back home. Happy New Year to my favorite Sister and her family!


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