Friday, January 23, 2015

We Are Over 21

Welcome to a little corner of my kitchen.  It's where I keep a basket of fresh
fruit, the bread box is there and of course one of my beloved roos.

On one side of the sink are more roos and a tin basket full of kitchen towels.

Now, if you are over 21 and not opposed to the consumption of  adult
beverages, you may go on to the next pic.  If however you are 
offended by this ~ please stop here and avert your eyes!

My husband David and I had a discussion last week about having a little
bar set up in what I lovingly call the butler's pantry area of our kitchen.
As you may recall, I wrote a post about them here.  

David is a sweetheart and lives with lots of feminine touches around the
house and very rarely complains.  So I set this up to give him a touch of
the "man cave" in a kitchen full of roos.  He'll never understand my
fascination with them ;-)

I actually had fun setting this up because it has touches of things I like too.
I placed everything on a vintage tole tray.  There is a 1950's vintage ice 
glass ice bucket and tongs.

Vintage cocktail napkins.  I don't know if I will be able to get out that little stain 
on the napkin, but I will try.

David picked up this vintage bartender's guide once when we were in
an antique shop together.   He rarely comes along with me into antique
shops which is a shame because he often finds a gem or two.

Remember the white ceramic basket I found on my first ever trip to
Home Goods?  It's perfect for storing the lemon and limes.

I love to save wine corks.  A bowl full of wine corks just adds je ne sais quoi!

So that's it.  The bar is all set up and ready for the weekend and just in case
anyone drops by, David will be ready to bartend.  As for me ~ I'm not
drinking any alcohol.  No wine, nothing.  I follow the British trend of 
a dry January.  

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Your counter vignettes look so your roo's!

  2. Very nice! My mom has that bartender's guide. Maybe I can convince her to hand it over ;)

  3. What a nice little corner. I think the Great Dane would appreciate that too!

  4. It looks very nice and I'm sure you'll both enjoy it!

  5. I love the tin basket full of kitchen towels! So pretty!

  6. Susan, how sweet to have a little space for your husband's treats! Love those cocktail napkins - too cute!

  7. Reminds me of the old movies where there was always a bar set up in the living toom even if it was only a tray with a decanter and a couple of glasses. What ever happened with that custom, i wonder?

  8. May husband has a mini bar set up in our dining room. We are definitely over 21! Ha!

  9. Such a nice thing to do for the hubby. If someone likes your ideas but maybe doesn't drink wine, I saw at KMart yesterday they sell boxes of wine corks! Who knew?!

  10. Cheers to a very pretty bar set up! Jane

  11. Hi, Babs! I guess I'm joining you in that dry January tradition by default since I can't drink while on these meds! Kind of a neat tradition, especially following holiday revelry that includes more than my fair share of booze!


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