Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Hot Beauty Tip!

Forget the low carb, gluten free, Paleo or diet of the month.
This is the real secret ~

Southern Cookin' Makes You Good Lookin' 

When I saw this cute little towel from Sweet Magnolias Farm on etsy, I
just knew it needed to be hanging in my kitchen.  I received it very promptly in
a brown paper package tied up with string and a Ghirardelli chocolate square too.
What could be sweeter?

So now here it is hanging on the handle of my oven door.  
Makes me want some biscuits and gravy!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. How cute! I saw Amen to the southern cookin'. :)

  2. That towel is so perfect! Love it!

  3. Adorable! Perfect for your south TX kitchen.

  4. have a beautiful day think spring !

  5. Just saw that you sent people our way in our Etsy Stats ... and had to pop over to see why .. Wow .. Thank You so much for sharing your purchase with your blog friends .. ! and for linking to our shop we are ever so grateful ! .. Love the towel on your stove .. Looks so cute !

    Have a Beautiful Week

  6. What happened to the book you were writing two years ago? You never responded to comments on that page. What happened to the Cottage tab above? You never answered comments there either telling you there was nothing under Cottage or About. ???????

  7. Gee. Just saw that you are not even Southern! You are a yankee transplant! What deception to your readers.

    1. well arn't you just about rude ! Where is your blogg ? I am sure they are alot of work and everyone misses a thing or two now and then . I totaly enjoy every single post . And am privledged to read them. How do you look your self in the mirror in the mornigns evenings for that matter any time . Your MOTHER should be ashamed for raising an ugly hearted daughter like you . Now go sit in the corner and think about what you said ! LOL I feel sorry that you have to get your kicks putting down others to make your self feel important ! God bless you and change your ugly heart .

    2. Southern is not a location it's about grace and additude ! Southern Bell you are not ! Junk yard dog is more like it !

    3. Amen Ms. TruthB!!! Sometimes you just wonder 'bout folks.
      Thanks for a good answer to a "deception" to the decent human race!
      Blessings to you,

    4. As a TRUE Southerner, I have excellent grammar, spelling and punctuation, unlike you two. Let's begin, shall we? TRUTHBTOLD, aren't has an "e" in it. Blog has ONE "g." A LOT is two words. Privileged does not have a "d" in it. Totally has two Ls. You don't start a sentence with "and", at least not the way you did. Yourself is one word. Mornings is spelled the way I just spelled it. You should have had a comma after mornings and evenings. Your second post, albeit small, also contained errors. There should have been a colon (do you even know what that is) after location. Southern Belle is spelled with an "e" at the end. So in NINE lines, you made TWELVE errors!! TWELVE!!

      JAYBIRD: A true Southern woman is not a Ms.; HATE that women's liberation word.

      SO, in essence, you two are what we TRUE Southern EDUCATED women call WHITE TRASH!

  8. Southern cookin' makes me feel good, makes me look good, and gives me a whole attitude adjustment!!! You don't have to be born and bred in the South to have a love for Southern cooking!!! Transplant or not, you get that Southern cookin' going and it's all about the lovin' from the oven!!! I think some country fried chicken and potato salad would be good for dinner tonight, along with a good ol' Southern pound cake!!! Good luck to Ramon trying to make that for me!!! :-) :-) :-)

  9. THAT is cute!!! I love the ruffles too!
    It reminds me of a pillow I once gave my hubby that says "I love you more than biscuits and gravy" He has it by his chair and often shows it off.
    Ah thinks that Cate needs to evacuate! All she wants to do is grump, and thar' ain't no place in hyar fer that!!!
    There...is that southern enough???
    Love your blog, and I am sending a hug to you and Bentley!

    1. Figures you're a cat lover! I bet you voted for abortionist Hitlery, too!

    2. BTW everyone - we TRUE Southerners do NOT consider TEXASSSS the South. It is in the Southwest.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.