Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bring on Spring

While it has been a typical winter here in south Texas, for many of you
living in the midwest and the east, this winter has been brutal.  Having
grown up in a northern Chicago suburb right along Lake Michigan,
I can remember how long and tiring winter can be.  

I remember the huge snowdrifts left behind after the streets were
plowed.  Heavy jackets, tights, sweaters and boots.  The static 
electricity my long hair gathered.  Learning that if I dampened my
comb those long and errant strays would fall into place.  Yet then
again, only to return after the wearing of a knit cap.  The dreaded
hat hair.  

Despite these inconveniences, there are the treasured memories of 
winter too.  Ice skating with friends every weekend on the village ice 
rink.  Hot chocolate in the field house afterwards.  The two fireplaces
in our house always aglow with a fire.  Watching the burning embers
with the lamps turned off.  My Daddy capturing the glistening
branches covered in ice and highlighted by the moon as he worked
his magic with his camera.  

Once when there was a particularly bad ice storm, all the power went 
out for several hours on a Saturday.  My parents were supposed to 
attend a party that night.  Being typical hearty midwesterners, the ice
did not deter their party going spirit and they braved the elements.  
Meanwhile my next door neighbor Madeleine came over to spend the
night with me.  We camped out in sleeping bags with extra down filled
comforters in front of the fireplace in the recreation room.  Armed with
pizza, cokes, chips and an array of "junk food" we giggled away
the evening.  My parents eventually made it back home safely after
having a very memorable and joyful evening.  And for me, it that 
evening is also very memorable.  My dear childhood friend Madeleine
passed away several years ago.  Taken away from us far too soon by 
colon cancer.  Whenever I think of her, I remember that evening.
The giggling, the sharing of young hopes and dreams.

So here we are at the end of February.  We have all been down this
path before.  March can and will probably continue to be an
unpredictable month.  There will be days that will tease us into
believing spring is here at long last, and then convince us otherwise.
Yet we remain hopeful.  I for one say ~ bring on spring!
We are all ready now.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Your table setting is absolutely beautiful. Love, love the dishes.

    1. Thank you. I love these dishes too. Always make me think of spring. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Such a bittersweet story! I'm sad for your loss of your friend. What a wonderful memory, though. Your spring table setting reminds me to hang on...warmer and sunnier days are ahead. :-)
    Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates

  3. It's hard to lose a dear friend. We always think we will live forever, but know deep down that we won't. We have to hang on and it's worth it because sunny days always lie ahead. I appreciate your visit Kim.

  4. Susan, I grew up in Madiso, WI, just 2 1/2 hours north so I have similar memories. I don't miss that snow at all but as a kid it was fun to ice skate on all the lakes and build snow forts and once have the snow fill up the doorway so we had to dig ourselves out of the house.
    But give me spring any time! I love your beautiful plates. I did my table outside this week and am so ready for real spring although I bet we will have late snow now - probably all March!
    Sweet childhood memories of a friend!

    1. Hi Jacqueline! You and I are over the fence neighbors!! Always happy to visit with you.

  5. Such a fresh spring setting and I know everyone is appreciating any sight of spring! I grew up in Conn and would take a hot bath everyday after school just to get warm! I was lucky enough to move to CA then AL so no more snow for me thank goodness! We just missed the snow line yesterday~ I loved your sweet memories too Susan~

    1. Snow is now prettier to look at than to have to shovel isn't it? So glad we both ended up in the south!

  6. What a gorgeous table setting! Yes, I think we are all ready for some warmer weather! Even tho we haven't had near the bad weather the poor East has had. Bless their hearts!


    1. We are spoiled living down here. I have fond memories of the snow but then I wasn't the one shoveling it either ;-)
      Thanks for stopping by Judy!

  7. Lovely post, Susan. You have many sweet memories. Your photos are beautiful, too. Susan

  8. I love your pretty setting and your sweet stories! We are being hit right now with an unexpected snow storm here in Northwest Arkansas---I love it!

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  9. Good Morning Susan. I loved reading your winter memories and I can tell these memories are of a special moment in time. Our recollection of good times in the past always make me wonder where all the years have gone so quickly. All of these things make us who we are today. It is a blessing to have lovely memories to think about when there are so many who have had hard times and unhappy lives. Your sweet post reminds me to be thankful.

    Spring is close and and I am happy to see all that Springs brings here in the NC mountains.

    Wishing you a lovely week.
    xo, Jeanne

    PS, I read your post about Bentley's bath. It made me laugh because our poodle Cheri' is the same way.

  10. You have to live in the snow for most of your life to get that love/hate affair with it! You've captured it perfectly here! I love the seasons here in Upstate NY but am always anxious for the next one to start!

  11. What a gorgeous spring inspired table. It is refreshing and cheery. Your china is simply stunning.


  12. Beautiful look Susan! Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


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