Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Welcome to My Studio

Welcome to my studio.  It's where I come and spend some time every
day.  It's a cottage hideaway where I can write and create.  

It's a spot filled with memories that inspire.

It's a place that is tranquil and kind.

A cozy spot where a cup of tea is enjoyed or a new craft project
unfolds.  A place where a blog post is created and where the blog
posts of others are read and enjoyed.

It's a spot where worries are left outside it's walls.

Where naps are enjoyed and encouraged.

A spot where books are read.

And where dreams live.

Thanks for stopping by!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a beautiful room! Susan, you sure have a gift for decorating!

  2. Beautiful room. I don't know how you create and keep it so neat looking. Mine is a mess constantly.


    1. Don't you know I straightened it up before I invited y'all over ;-)

  3. That's a nice spot to have. Love the old sign!

  4. What a wonderful place to read, study, dream, nap, and thoroughly enjoy! It's just lovely.

  5. this is such a beautiful spot, love that pinky floral pillow cover!!

  6. Such a pretty and fresh looking studio it is to ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  7. This is one of the best posts I've read all day. I don't often save daily blog posts, but I'm saving this one to read again and again. I can't explain why, but it gives me hope.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.