Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Who Wants To See More Antiques???

Here we are ~ back at Marburger Farm in Round Top.  
Let's browse!  

I am always looking for equestrian theme antiques.  

Did I ever tell you about a horse I used to show whose name was
"Polo"?  He was an excellent jumper who loved to show off.  
There were two places where he was the happiest ~ the show ring
and the mud puddle.  Whenever he discovered a big mud puddle
look out.  He would be rolling in it in a flash.  Maybe that's why
he was retired from the polo field ;-)  I won a lot of ribbons with him.
He was a rascal though.  Once after a judge handed us our ribbon,
the judge turned his back and Polo bit him on his butt.  I thought
I was going to die of embarrassment.  The judge was a good sport
about it though ~ thankfully!

This painting wanted to come home with me.  Really it did.
Would I kid about a thing like that?

You can see that it would fit in perfectly with my decor :-)
I am still waiting for Ralph Lauren to some out with a fragrance
that smells like a tack room.  I would buy it ~ really I would!

Lots of great farmhouse decor.  

And this pillow .... sigh

David just doesn't get the appeal of rust.  I on the other
hand am smitten.

Wonderful old baskets were everywhere.  I was still at the show
when it was getting close to closing time.  I looked at a very large
French basket.  The dealer said that he could make me a really good
deal on it.  I was tempted, but then I stiffened my spine and my purse
and said to him ....

"I have a house filled with baskets.  If I bring one more home
I will have some explaining to do!"  
The dealer laughed and so did I.  However he will never know
how sad I was to leave that basket behind.

Who knew these have become collectable?  Did you???
I did not.  

Especially since ….

We have one at home.  This is David's souvenir from a trip to NYC 
when he was a kid.  We have the Empire State Building too.  We hang
onto everything around here :-)

I love these old wrought iron patio sets.  The style is more elegant
and dainty than the new ones of today.  I can just envision a group of
women at an afternoon tea wearing their pearls and gloves.  

More white chippy furniture.  Love it!

Everywhere I turned there was something that caught my eye.

And then ….

This hand painted tole tray table.  I am still dreaming of this one!

I hope you enjoyed my little tour of Marburger Farm.  I am already
looking forward to the fall show.  

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I almost feel like I was there. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. Love them all.

  2. So many things I would have taken home with me!! Thanks so much for taking us along Susan!

  3. Wow- You got some great pictures. That picture you wanted is just wonderful. Love it! That is funny about your "naughty" horse. I used to have a quarter horse named Ginger...she had been a show horse at one time before I got her. She was the sweetest horse ever but would only run when SHE felt like it. lol

    I have Gramma Hazel's patio set from the 1950's and I just love it. It, too, is "dainty". xo Diana

  4. Susan, your horse story is funny. I rode some as a child and have some funny stories to tell too. ;-)
    Like you, I love spending time in Round Top. Did you go home with treasures? I was in the hill country shopping antique stores today.
    Always a fun way to spend time. Thanks for sharing your photos of Marburger.

  5. Oh i loved all the pictures!!! So many neat things! I love the NYC items!

  6. Thanks for taking me to Round Top............still on my bucket list. I am afraid I would be like a kid in candy store or just stand and stare at all the neat things.
    Cathy <;)

  7. Wait!! You didn't buy that table?? Ohhh noooo! You should have. It was..gorgeous! You could just sit it in the middle of the room and look at it every time you passed.
    Rust. I love it too..It's..sort of PROOF that it's experienced life and lived to tell about it!1

  8. Fun shopping trip! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!


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