Thursday, May 21, 2015

Dozens of Tablescapes

Do you ever go through your old photos and think to yourself 
"I had forgotten about that"?  I was just going through my Picasa Web
albums and found lots of old tablescapes and thought I would share them
with you.

One of the wonderful things about being a blogger is that you record
moments and creative endeavors that you may not have otherwise.

So many tea trays and tea tables ….

In various shades of blue.

And in every room of the house ….

Out in the garden ….

And on a porch swing ….

For holidays ….

And grab and go lunches too ….

A market basket full of goodies ….

Or apple picking days ….

Enjoying the crisp days of fall ….

And in miniature too ….

I have enjoyed sharing all these tablescapes with you!

What's that Bentley?  Where are the dog tablescapes you ask?
We need to work on that don't we ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. So many gorgeous tabletops. I love them all but the blue and white and the outdoor dining table are favorites. I so love eating outdoors when the weather is nice. Happy Thursday!

    1. I love eating outdoors too. Here in south Texas we treasure the days we can spend dining on the patio or on the back porch. Between the mosquitos and the heat/humidity ~ dinner outside is a real treat. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Good morning Sunshine! Love all of your table settings. Beautiful.

    Have a great weekend! Any special plans?


    1. Hi Judy! I don't care what we do just as long as I can spend time with David. He works so hard and a I love every moment we can be together and just enjoy each other's company. After almost 26 years, I am still head over heels.

  3. Your tea trays and vignettes are always so instantly calming, like a mini vacation Susan! I agree, being a blogger means you have a visual diary of your creations, it's so much fun to look back!

    1. Isn't it fun! I never would have stretched myself in this way if I were not a blogger. This little blog has brought me so much enjoyment and so many treasured new friends! Thanks for the visit Jenna!

  4. Wow! They are all beautiful and I love many treasures in each of them. I love being a blogger! It gives me wonderful places to visit, lots of ideas, and great women to meet. Have a Happy Memorial Day!
    Blessings My Friend,

    1. Thanks Elaine! I love that we can share ideas and thoughts and feelings together. We all have such a special bond. I so appreciate you stopping by!

  5. I forget things I have posted in the past as well. This is a delightful montage of table ideas!

  6. I love visiting your blog. Always such delightful pictures to peruse. I am off to spend the night at my son & his girlfriends place in Queen Anne this weekend. I will be watching their kitties & it will be a mini vacation for me. I will leave my husband at home. Sometimes I like to be all by myself. I won't be lonely with the kitties & my blog friends. Have a lovely weekend yourself Susan.

    1. Have a wonderful weekend with the kitties! I love the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle. Such lovely historic homes.

  7. Susan, this was fun, and you have given me an idea for myself. We are in the process of moving, so no time or energy to create for the blog. Maybe I'll go back and pull together some different photos from this house to share. ;-)
    Know you don't like the thunder and lightening, but the rain certainly has been nice for our highland lakes. ~ Sarah

    1. I don't envy your move. I know it throws your life into a tailspin for a while. Please do let us see photos when you are settled. You are right, I don't like the thunder and lightning but I am so thankful for all the rain. We have had almost 24 inches so far since January. We are way above normal, but we needed it!

  8. Too cute! Adorable! Love all the sweet settings !

  9. What a fun post! Loved all your vingettes, they were all beautiful, and really loved those teen mini ones too. I love any thing that is
    tiny like that, they are simply fascinating to me for some reason.
    Thanks for all the eye candy, it was a very nice post.
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. Hi Nellie! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words.

  10. My goodness, Susan. You put together some GORGEOUS table scapes there! The settings are ALL beautiful!!!! I think the miniature ones are really a lot of fun...and not something you see very often. Love it! xo Diana

    1. Decorating in miniature is almost more fun than in full size :-)

  11. All of these are wonderful! No way to pick a favorite, but I do lean toward the delicate florals. Gorgeous!

  12. Sometimes when I go through my old blog posts and pictures I am surprised by how much I forgot about my delightful tea times, and family times, and travels. That is one of the reasons I keep my "journal" on my blog and have it published for my family every year. Blogging has enriched my life in so many ways and given me an outlet for some of my creativity and a way to share it with my friends and family. I see your pictures of past tea times and table-scapes are amazingly creative and worthy of viewing many many times !

    1. Thank you Kathy! I'm with you ~ blogging has enriched my life as well.

  13. I love them all. They each are so well done and convey such a wonderful feeling. I love the Memorial Day or 4th of July (red, white and blue) vignette. The rolling pin, crocheted hot pad and apple pie reminds me so much of the holiday at home and summer vacation from school. Pumpkin ale is so yummy and I look forward to fall. Your autumn table makes me think of the cool crisp air and the lovely change of colors of the trees. Plaid makes for such a cozy setting. It is really hard to pick just one as my favorite.

  14. I enjoyed looking all of them.. My favorites are the Blue and White ones. I adore the mini pieces as well Happy Sunday with love Janice


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.