Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Real Life ~ Uncensored

This room was all straightened up on Friday afternoon but that didn't
last too long.  This weekend was a rough one.  We spent most of our
time inside waiting for storms to pass.  When I got up this morning
I accessed the damage inside and out.  Our house is fine except for
a couple to tree limbs on the ground, but thankfully no flooding or
other wind damage. 

Check out that stack of newspapers!  This is how the family
room looks when we are stuck inside all day.  David watched a lot
of the Golf Channel and then we kept checking on weather
conditions.  We did go over to our neighbor's house on
Sunday evening and had a great time sitting outside and talking
while our dogs were having great fun playing in the puddles
of mud in the back yard.   It was the only evening when we
didn't have a downpour and constant thunder and lightning.

We did consume a few cocktails.  Nothing like a vodka and tonic to calm
the nerves.  Although David and Bentley are not troubled by the 
storms like I am,  I am not ashamed to admit that I need a bit
of help to get me through the huge lightning bolts, crashes of 
thunder and constant tornado warnings like we have been having
for days on end.

David was parked in his comfy leather chair doing his crossword
puzzles and Cryptoquips.  He saves the Sudoku for me because
he knows how much I love doing it.  I seldom get to sit in this chair
because either David is sitting there or Bentley is when David is
not home.  

If Bentley can't sit there, then he likes to make a bed on top of the
throw pillows on the sofa.  He's a "lounge pup".

When I had enough of watching golf and hanging out in the
man cave with David and Bentley, I retreated into my studio to
take a nap or read.  I had my desktop computer unplugged most of
the weekend and only used the laptop.

Half the time I was falling asleep during the day because the storms were
keeping me awake at night.

Yesterday David suggested that we get out of the house for a while
and drive to Houston for some shopping and lunch.  I was a bit
reluctant to go because I knew that more storms were on their way, 
but David convinced me we would be fine.  So we drove into 
Sugar Land, just to the west of Houston and had lunch at Pappasito's
and did a little shopping then got back on the highway for our two
hour trip home.  We were home before dark and shortly thereafter
the weather reports started coming in and none of them were good.
Tornado, severe thunderstorm and flood warnings were going off on
our cell phones, television and the radio.  This time there were reports
of three inch hail too.  We hunkered in once again.

The storm was quite rough here, but not as bad as it was in Houston.
We contacted family members who live there and everyone is
fine except for my brother-in-law's niece whose home was flooded
with five inches of water.  She just had a baby a few months ago and
she and her husband and baby will have to live elsewhere for a 
while so that the house can be cleaned out.  A shame yes, but
no injuries and that's a blessing.

My heart goes out to those still missing in these violent storms.
Lives have tragically been lost.  A man lost his wife and children
while they were staying in a vacation cabin along the Blanco
River.  He was rescued, but it is feared his wife and children both
drowned.  A young girl was driving home from her prom and was
faced with high water just two miles from her home.  She called
911 and her dad, but neither could get to her in time.  There
are other stories coming in now too.  We just never know what
lies ahead for any of us.  All we can do is to be thankful for our
blessings and be good and kind to one another because that's
all we ever really have.

We have more rain coming our way and the meteorologists are
predicting another tough weekend ahead.   I have no idea where
any more water can possibly go.  The ground is so saturated now.
Riverside Park in Victoria is closed because of flooding from
the Guadalupe River.  They had to move all the animals out of
our zoo to a safer location.  Livestock is at risk too.  I know that
we are all happy to be out of the drought, but not by these
circumstances.  All we can do is pray.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Glad you weathered the storm and are prepared for the next batch. It's been sunny here all day but has just clouded up and looks like more rain!! Gee Whiz!!


    1. It's been the same here. I am just thankful that it's not raining again yet to give things a chance to dry out. All of the rivers and streams are so high. Since we are downstream and everything drains toward the Gulf, we need things to dry out a bit. The temps are higher and it is super humid outside. Quite miserable!

  2. I'm so glad you made it home safely and that all your family are safe. I've been watching the news and it's just awful.

    I'll be praying that everyone there gets through this.


    1. Thank you Rue! We certainly don't want any more deaths. Hurricane season is about to start as well so we need to get things dried out. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Susan, That is so terrible about those storms there. How awful for that young girl...I can't begin to imagine how her dad must be feeling-knowing she called him for help and he was helpless. I pray that you don't get any more rain. You have had more than your share now. Hope you have a great week, Susan. xo Diana

    1. Oh I know, that poor daddy. His heart my be so broken. What a darling girl she was too. I saw her pics on the internet. And lovely families too. So very sad.

  4. I understand what you are saying and agree with you. I live in Fort Worth and it has been terrible and no relief in sight. Seems we go from one extreme to another.

    1. I know LV, I have been watching the news from Fort Worth too. It just seems like these systems are kicking in every other day. I think we have all had quite enough, not that we have any control. Stay safe dear friend.

  5. To think that I was muttering because we haven't had much sunshine here in northern Washington. At least we are dry, not too dry either and the temperatures have been very mild. I too am fearful of thunder and lightening and feel for you going through it day after day. The news of those who have lost their lives sobers me. I will put them in my prayers as well as all of you who are being affected by this storm system. Take care friend.

  6. Thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone effected. Take Care.

  7. When you mentioned Houston I got very worried....glad you got out of there in time. I know the storms bother you ...I recall reading about that before , as in they make you a nervous wreck as I'd be too with such severe ones! It is good that they don't bother Bentley so much...one of my dogs is terrified at the first crack of thunder.
    I've read the stories on the news ...so tragic and heartbreaking. I hope that this all will pass soon and let people recover and clean up and yes, grieve :(

  8. When you mentioned Houston I got very worried....glad you got out of there in time. I know the storms bother you ...I recall reading about that before , as in they make you a nervous wreck as I'd be too with such severe ones! It is good that they don't bother Bentley so much...one of my dogs is terrified at the first crack of thunder.
    I've read the stories on the news ...so tragic and heartbreaking. I hope that this all will pass soon and let people recover and clean up and yes, grieve :(

  9. Stay safe inside. Our prayers are with you. My daughter just moved from Texas and, at this moment, I'm grateful....Not to say that Texas has cornered the market on bad weather.

  10. O, bless your hearts. I, myself, LOVE adverse weather...always have. I respect it, tho...and if a tornado is on the way, we retreat to the basement. But I adore lightening, thunder and heavy rains. I bake and read and nap and watch it all from inside. I'm not a storm chaser but it sure would be exciting.

  11. My heart goes out to you and all of your fellow statesmen who are affected by the storms. It's an horrendous experience, we know, having been through the 2010 thousand year flood, that almost wiped Nashville completely off the map.
    Property can always be rebuilt, but lives lost is a whole different cross to bear.
    Stay safe sweet one.

  12. wow yall are getting some rough storms! Stay safe!

  13. Susan, my parents are northwest of Ft. Worth and my mother-in-law and brother-in-law are south of Ft. Worth. And all are getting much the same as you. Non-stop. Amazing! I hope this storm pattern changes soon and you all get some relief. Texas is definitely NOT in a drought anymore!


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