Saturday, June 6, 2015

My Cozy Corner

This is my favorite cozy corner.  It's a corner in the master bedroom
right next to a little vintage bookshelf filled with books and behind the
chair is a floor to almost ceiling window that over looks the back

This little chair is just my size ~ not too big and not too small.
I love it's white pique slip cover and the cozy quilt on it's back that's
so handy to wrap myself up when I get a bit chilly.  David likes
to keep the thermostat set on freezing lol :-)  The light that comes in
behind me is perfect for reading, but when the skies darken as they
often do here close to the Gulf, there is a little vintage lamp right
next to me to brighten the page.  The little footstool belonged to my
Grandfather and I painted it white and covered it in a shabby rose 
patterned fabric.    It's just the perfect spot for a little alone time
with a cup of tea and a good book.

See that patchwork pillow on the right?  It was one of my first quilting
projects.  I made it for my Mom to use in her sewing room.  I purchased
the quilt at one of my favorite shops back in Idaho.  Although I miss my
Idaho friends, I am so thankful for Facebook and texting because I
hear from many of them all the time.  My Mom's best friend back there
calls me all the time to see how I am.  She was worried about me during
all the flooding in Texas.  And another friend of mine texted me at
4:00 am (3:00 am Mountain time) to see if we were okay.  She couldn't 
sleep and happened to see the massive storms over Texas on the weather
channel.  My adopted sister Robin does the same thing.  And Judy too!

Isn't technology wonderful in an age where we are spread out
all over the place?  Love it!

This is the book I have just started reading.  It's been on my bookshelf
for quite a few years ~ sadly unread.  I have only finished one chapter
and am already hooked.  I am sad that I never read it before, but now
delighted that I saved it for just such a time in my life.

One of my blog readers suggested I start a list of my favorite books.
That's a great suggestion and I will do it and more.  I am going to 
start reviewing some of my favorites that you might enjoy too.
Although I love novels, I am a big fan of non~fiction, so expect
to see several non~fiction titles on my list.

Have a wonderful weekend and I hope y'all have a cozy little
corner in your cottage too that is just perfect for you!

BTW ~ while I am in my cozy comfy reading chair, Bentley is
curled up in another comfy chair nearby.  He is always
close by and has his own favorite spots too.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Your corner is so inviting. I love the quilt, the window and would love to read the book. Whenever I stop by, I feel happier. Will look forward to your book reviews.

  2. What a darling chair and spot to read in, and I look forward to hearing about your favorite books. I read both fiction and nonfiction, like you. I recently posted a list on my blog of my 10 all time favorite authors.

  3. Love your cozy little corner. What a place to be by yourself (of course with Bentley nearby) and enjoy some quiet time.

    Have a great weekend. Will be thinking about you tomorrow.


  4. Hi Susan, I love your cozy corner. We all need one. I always like a spot of my own. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. Susan, I do love your white chair with all the cozy pillows and quilt. If you live close to the Gulf then you live where it's always hotter than H3!! and need lots of blue and white to visually cool you down. I have a very good friend that lives outside of Houston and we always compare temps and how far ahead her yard is than ours because it is so much warmer.

  6. I love a small chair. I am shortish, 5'3", and I have to be particular when I search for a chair for me. I used to have a good collection of older smaller chairs but when I downsized I couldn't bring them all. A good chair by the window to read and think is the most important place in the house. Since Buddy got so fat, I'm going to need a new chair for our broader behinds. Hope I find something as cute as yours.

  7. Your cozy corner is perfect, Susan :)


  8. Perfect little. Cozy spot to snuggle and read!

  9. I love your cozy little corner. Love, love, Love quilts. Just the thing for a chilly afternoon. With a cup of tea of course.

  10. I was so happy to see that you have started your Favorite Books List. I knew it would be a hit. I will look for this book that you are currently reading. From the cover photo alone it has my interest. Also, I love that you are a keeper of treasures, such as your first quilting project and your Grandfathers little footstool. In this day of a throw away society it's wonderful to keep your memories close by. Your comfy corner looks so inviting.....for reading a book or dreaming of far away land.

  11. A perfectly lovely cozy corner, Susan! Love the chair and the footstool and your lovely textiles. I look forward to hearing your book list....the one you are reading looks very interesting. Happy new week.
    Helen xox


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.