Monday, June 22, 2015

Welcome to 312 Cottage Lane

On Saturday I was at Hobby Lobby.  I know what you are going to say,
that I am always hanging out there.  Well, it's true, I do go there quite often.
I was looking at some fabric, trying to get ideas for my guest bath facelift
when I came across one of those plain brown cardboard dollhouses.  It was 
only $5.00 and I thought that I could paint it and use it on the little vintage
chest in my studio. That chest needed a third decorating element, so 
what a good excuse ….

Y'all know how much I love to create vignettes!

So yesterday afternoon while David was watching the US Open,  I
decided to paint the dollhouse.  Well of course I got a little bit 
carried away.  Then David decided to get in a quick 9 holes at the
club and I was happily creating in my studio while listening/viewing
Season Two of the Mary Tyler Moore Show on my Mac.

So here is what I did.  I painted the body of the house yellow.  Added
white paint around the windows.  Painted the roof and chimney.  Cut
out cardboard shutters from some cardboard that was on it's way out
to the recycle bin.  I took some lace trim and made little valances for
the windows.  I made a Dutch Door for the entry.  I think every cottage
needs a Dutch Door!  Don't you?  Painted the front stoop.  I had an
extra dollhouse crystal knob and attached a few pickets around the

Then I made a little address place and suddenly …

312 Cottage Lane was born!

Now it's living happily on the vintage chest and all is right
and happy in my studio.

Where was Bentley while all this mini house painting was going on?
In his favorite chair in my studio.  Then outside to see what was
going on.  Then barking at the front windows at the cat walking
across the yard.  Then sitting in his Daddy's lap.  Then back in
the chair in my studio  ….. and repeat of all the above :-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Cute as the dickens right down to the picket fence. I like the pitcher with red and white checks too.

  2. SO CUTE!!!! You did an amazing job - and for $5 and a little time and creativity. Well done, love it.

    (And it made the perfect addition to that wonderful vignette!)

  3. This is adorable! I wish you had shown us the "before" pic.

  4. What a charming home!! Love all of the detail!


  5. That's just stinkin cute!!! Like how you painted the roof......

  6. Adorable! Great job! My husband was watching the us open too! of course! Ha! How did you do those lace curtains in the window! Darling! Great job!

  7. So sweet, Susan! The house and picket fence are just delightful! Paired with a bright, red gingham cup filled with daisies, your vignette welcomes summertime in the happiest of ways! ♡Dawn@Petals.Paper.SimpleThymes


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.