Friday, July 24, 2015

Choosing to be Happy and Wallpaper Update

It's been a tough couple of weeks around here.  I have been missing my Aunt
Susan who passed away two weeks ago today.  I will always miss her, but 
I have said my goodbyes and life must go on.  

I inherited the happy gene from my Grandmother.  Here I am with her back
when I was a young girl.  I remember this picture being taken at the end of
summer vacation just before going back to school.  Look how bleached out
my hair was from so much time out by the pool. That's my dog Charlie.  He
was a rascal and I loved him to pieces.  The photo is really faded now, but
my memories have not.

My grammy's name was Nena Mae.  She had such a good sense of humor
and the two of us giggled together all the time.  My granddaddy and Nena's
husband was a Mason.  He was very active in that organization and my
grammy was in the Order of the Eastern Star.  Her official role in the
organization was "Mistress of Good Cheer".  Her job was a simple
yet vital one ~ to spread happiness and laughter wherever she went.
And she was so good at it!  She instilled into me the love of all
animals, especially dogs, and the love of laughter despite the
difficulties we all face at one time or another.  

So, in loving memory of Nena Mae, I choose to carry on the
tradition and be happy.

And now on to the wallpaper update.  I missed several days, but I am back at it now.
Some sections have been coming off very easily, and others have tested my
patience.  See that soffit?  I don't know what kind of glue they used on the edge
but it sure wasn't wallpaper glue.  It was really thick and had yellowed.  I was
getting very frustrated and about to throw in the towel.  Okay ~ that's a bit of
a pun.  We are talking about the bathroom after all ;-)  But then I had an
idea and I grabbed my laptop and tuned into the Burns and Allen Show tapes
on YouTube.  Gracie's funny stories had me laughing and helped make the
whole wallpaper stripping project really fun.  I was up on the ladder just
laughing my head off!  

So now I will get back to work this morning and start removing the rest of the paper
while listening to George and Gracie.  If you have never watched those shows, 
just do a search on YouTube and lots of the full episodes will pop up.  They are
guaranteed to turn a frown upside down and give you giggles that will
last all day!

Have a great day y'all.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a nice story about your grandmother!


  2. Awwwww, I love the picture! You are so pretty, my sisiter! Our Grandma's play such an important role in our lives. Such cherished memories. I love Gorge and Gracie! I listen to them on Sirius and Old Time Radio in the car. I also love Phil Harris and Alice Faye. That Phil is a card! Looking forward to following the wallpaper job!

  3. What a great photo. My paternal grandmother was my very happy grandmother. She never seemed to let life get her down. xo Laura

  4. Wallpaper is hard to remove, have fun.
    Great picture.

  5. You've had some difficult losses since you moved. I'm so sorry. Taking down wallpaper is the pits.

  6. Love the story about you and your grandmother.

    Oh wallpaper . . . I feel your pain!

  7. Your grandparents and mine too...does that mean we are related? Lol


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