Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Kitchens, Foodies and Ramblings

I am always in the kitchen.  Some think of cooking as drudgery, I think
of it as pleasure.  I like to put on some music, pour myself a glass of
wine and just get creative.  Honestly, it's like a party in my kitchen most
of the time.  

I like to pair my music to the type of food I cook.  For example, I could be
whipping up a simple omelet with wild mushrooms,  freshly grated
fromage and sprinkled with chopped parsley.  This happens especially
after I have watched Julie and Julia for the hundredth time and I am
once again inspired and charmed by Julia Child.  I will put on some Edith 
Piaf or the sound track from the movie Something's Gotta Give with
Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson.  While I am dancing around the kitchen
with my glass of wine I am also thinking ~ Why didn't I major in French
like my college French professor was hoping?  C'est dommage :-(

Of course, I love to get into the Cajun cooking mood just before
Mardi Gras begins each year.  I have blues and cajun music that will
be blaring away as I slowly simmer a roux and chop up the trinity of
celery, onions and green peppers.  If you peek in on me, I will
probably be wearing my Mardi Gras beads that I have collected over
the years.  

Being down in Texas I have all the right spices ready for rubbing
ribs or brisket.  I give up my chef's duties and pass the hat to my
hubby who mans the smoker out on the patio.

See it out there?  David drove a hundred plus miles to pick it up.
He is very particular his smoker.  He even bought a huge pile
of mesquite that is stacked up near the back of the house.  When
David is the chef, I am his sous chef.  I prepare the beans and slaw
and slice the onions, get out the pickles and the Texas toast.

What are we listening to?  Why country music of course!  And no
wine for me, I'll have a Lone Star.

Since moving back to Texas, Southern Cooking is my new
favorite.  Biscuits and honey, Fried Chicken or Chicken Fried Steak,
country style green beans, macaroni and cheese.  Pure comfort!
No wine or beer with this meal ~ oh no ~ only sweet tea!

Hmmm ~ I wonder what's on the menu for tonight?

By the way ~ Bentley likes everything his mama cooks.  That's 
what his daddy always says :-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sounds like good eats at your home, Susan...and lots of FUN!

  2. Your style of cooking is fabulous, I want to come over and share in the experience :)

  3. Everything on your menu sounds delicious!

  4. Love all the photos in this post and that cute towel with the ruffle is adorable!! I am one who see cooking as a drudgery and i would much rather paint or craft but i go part time in a few days so I just may get into a bit of cooking.....


  5. Susan, I do the same! I put on my Bose, pour myself a glass of chardonnay and create magic. Cooking relaxes me.

    Love your post.


  6. Ok, as I was looking through Etsy today, as I still haven't spend that gift card you gave me, I was checking out old percolators. Do you know where this is going, my sleuthing sister? YES, the exact one you are showing came on the page and I thought to myself, I love that old coffee pot. That is what I might have to get with Susan's card. NO KIDDING!!! I am headed to etsy now to get it!

  7. LOVE that you know about the Holy Trinity of gumbo and red beans and rice!!! Your kitchen is so cute, Susan.
    What's Bentley's favorite dish you cook????



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