Friday, July 10, 2015

My Heart is Broken ~ I Lost My Aunt Susan

On July 10, 2015 at 11:06 am, I lost my favorite Aunt.  We were so very close.
I was named after her and she was my Mom's youngest sister.

Aunt Susan was always a larger than life figure to me.  She was a cross
between an Audrey Hepburn and Auntie Mame.  So very, very pretty and
always so stylish.  She was a model in New York City in her early twenties 
and she learned to always stay slim throughout her life because of her 
training.  When I was a little girl, I wanted to be exactly like her when I
grew up ~  just as elegant and just as beautiful.

One of the reasons Aunt Susan and I were so close is that when she 
decided to leave New York City, my Mom and Daddy invited her to
come to Chicago and stay with them while she looked for a job
and a place to live there.  My Mom was pregnant with me at the time.
Aunt Susan was living with us when I was born, and stayed there to help 
my Mom.  She would dress me up and play with me and take me for
strolls in my pram.  She was "Big Susie" and I was "Little Susie".
Those names stuck and even after I went to college, everyone 
in the family called me "Little Susie".  

Aunt Susan was very artistic and got a job working as a designer at
the Chicago Merchandise Mart.  Although she had moved out and
found her own apartment, she came by every weekend to see us.
We were a tight knit little group.  My parents, me and my Aunt Susan.

She started dating a fellow who owned a high end dress shop on
Michigan Avenue.  His name was Bill.  Bill was quite a bit older
than Aunt Susan and although my parents loved him and my Mom
thought he was a really good "catch", Aunt Susan was just
not smitten.  She broke up with Bill, but everyone loved him
and they all remained good friends.   He asked me to call him
"Uncle Bill" and I loved him too.  When Mom and Aunt Susan 
and I would go shopping on Michigan Avenue and I was a bit 
older, we would always stop by Uncle Bill's shop to say hi.
I did that until the day Uncle Bill died.

Aunt Susan did finally meet a fellow who caught her eye and
it happened in such a memorable way.  Aunt Susan was on
her way to work and she had borrowed a friend's car to
drive to the Mart.  She had her arms full of drapery samples
and somehow she dropped the car keys down between the
door and the window and was struggling to get them out when
a man named Joe happened to be driving down the street and
offered to help.  Well, it must have been destiny because they
started dating and then married.  

Like Bill, Uncle Joe was a bit older than Aunt Susan, but 
this time she had lost her heart to the man who rescued her
on the street that day.  Uncle Joe was a wonderful man who
was a very intelligent and extremely successful businessman.
He showered my Aunt with luxury and he did that for me too.

Uncle Joe used to pat my Aunt Susan on the head and say
Here is some money.  Have fun, but be a good girl.  And
then he would go off to work.

Well, Aunt Susan would shop and buy clothes for herself
and my Mom and me and for her new baby boy, Bennett.
But Uncle Joe gave her so much money every week that
she couldn't spend it all, so she didn't say anything to him 
about it, but she started investing the money he gave her.
And you know what?  She was really good at it!

She started playing the stock market.  She earned enough
money to buy an apartment building on Chicago's very
pricey Gold Coast.  She was a dynamo and was becoming
a business mogul on her own.  But it didn't end there.  She
fought for what she believed in too.  She went to board
meetings.  She fought for the rights of minorities.  She
was unstoppable.

She was my beloved Aunt Susan.  I will miss our
hours long phone conversations.  I will miss her voice
as she would call out to me Hi Susie!  She was the very
best Aunt anyone could ever ask for and I just can't 
imagine my life without her now.

Rest in peace Aunt Susan.  Until we meet each other once
 again, know that your "Little Susie" loved you very much.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I have my two young nieces here with me from an overnight - I know how close nieces and aunties can be. I am so truly sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.

    In kind sympathy,


  2. Susan - So sorry for your loss! I, too, had an aunt with whom I was especially close and always went to visit and was so thrilled when she moved close to us. Like you, my Mom was pregnant with me and it was during the war and my aunt lived with us while they guys were overseas. She was there when I was born and started spoiling me immediately. She became a fabulous Interior Designer and her husband was a building. She was my inspiration to go to school and become an Interior Designer.

    Bless you as you go thru this time of mourning.


  3. How beautiful and you were so very blessed to have had such a wonderful role model for an aunt! Yes, it must be hard for you, so many memories shared
    May she rest in piece.
    I am very sorry for your loss my friend.

  4. Beautiful memorial to your Aunt. Hug those memories to your heart. She will be with you always. Wishing her well on her new journey. So very sorry.

  5. She sounds like a wonderful woman. Sending hugs
    Lily & Edward

  6. Beautiful tribute, Susan. Thinking of you during this time of loss. My heart aches for you.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. A big hug from Italy. Tina

  8. I'm so so sorry, Susan. What a beautiful lady she was and a beautiful life tribute to her and your love for her.
    Shelia ;)

  9. She sounds like a remarkable woman! And such a blessing in your life! Thank you for sharing aunt Susan with us!

  10. Susan, I'm so sorry for your loss. How blessed you are to have had that kind of relationship with your aunt! May you feel God's comfort and peace as you grieve the loss of this wonderful woman in your life. Hold on to those sweet memories until you see her again.

  11. What a profound loss for you. This made me cry.

  12. Such a sweet story. She sounds like a wonderful person and I'm glad she was on your side.

  13. So sorry for your loss. I lost a favorite aunt like yours when I was in my mid-twenties. She was only in her early sixties. I'm glad that you have such wonderful memories.

  14. Susan, I'm so sorry for your loss. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady.

  15. Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. Your Aunt Susan sounds like a wonderful woman who loved you very much. So glad that you have many wonderful memories of her.

  16. I'm so sorry Susan. Sending prayers, but it sounds like you have a ton of wonderful memories.

  17. So very sorry to read Susan, my heartfelt condolences to you. Oftentimes our best relationships are with our aunts, mums have to discipline us, but aunts seem to show us the fun side of life.
    You have some lovely memories of your dear aunt, hold them close to your heart.

  18. Susan, what a wonderful blog and a tribute for a wonderful lady! Thank you for sharing her story with us, no wonder you feel her departure so much, she was the best aunt and friend that anyone can have.
    When I first saw her photo I thought it was Jackie Kennedy, she looked a bit like her, so stunningly beautiful, elegant, I can imagine her lovely influence on you and how close you were.
    You are so lucky to have her in your life, and she has only left in presence, but she is and always be here with you.
    A big hug!

  19. Oh honey - I am looking at the clock now and it's 11:06 pm. Exactly 12 hours you have lived in a world without your Aunt Susan. I'm so very sorry. But I can't tell you how much I loved hearing about her. You made me feel like I missed out that I didn't know her. My heart goes out to you.

  20. I'm so very sorry for your loss, Susan.


  21. Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. I feel as if I know Aunt Susan, too. She sounded like a wonderful person.

  22. Oh Susan,I'm so very sorry that you have lost such a beloved aunt,but you haven't really lost her she's just misplaced and always in your heart,and I'm sure watching over you always.x.Hugs.xUna.x

  23. Your Aunt Susan sounds like quite a spectacular Auntie and Role Model -- I have to capitalize it. I am so sorry for your loss, but it does sound like she had quite a lot of influence on your life. You were lucky to have had her.

  24. She was so beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss

  25. Susan, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Your Aunt sounds like a truly amazing lady. How lucky were have been to have her in your life.

    Sending big virtual hugs and much sympathy.

    Hugs, Natasha.

  26. I understand how you could love Aunt Susie...I could easily love someone like her too! My condolences.

  27. What a lovely, loving tribute to a very special lady. My sincere sympathy for your loss. May sweet memories of your beloved Aunt Susan bring you comfort in the days to come.

  28. It sounds like you had a truly wonderful relationship with your aunt and will miss her very much. I'm so sorry for the loss. Thank you for telling us all about her :)


  29. I am so sorry for your loss. She sounds like such a remarkable woman and a wonderful loving influence throughout your whole life. What a beautiful legacy to leave ....a heart still on earth that loved her so much. i read the mystical vision post first and then this one...the vision is a gift from God; what a wonderful help for you in such a painful time.

  30. I am so sorry for your loss. She sounds like such a remarkable woman and a wonderful loving influence throughout your whole life. What a beautiful legacy to leave ....a heart still on earth that loved her so much. i read the mystical vision post first and then this one...the vision is a gift from God; what a wonderful help for you in such a painful time.

  31. Oh my gosh - so sorry for your loss, and what an amazing lady !! Someone recently said to our family (or shared a saying) that "the greater the love, the greater the loss" It is so true! You sound like a perfect niece to a perfect auntie - a tie the bonds forever -we send prayers for you and your family ox


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