Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sneak Peek Guest Bath

I am still removing wallpaper in the guest bath, but wanted to show you
a little bit of progress I have made with a shade for the window.  I
always get excited about the accessories in a room.  I love, love, love
to layer them on.  I must be channeling Charles Faudree ;-)

I am trying to get as much done as I can before I leave for Chicago
for my Aunt's service.  Bentley will be staying behind in Texas with
his daddy.  

Thank you for all your kind words of sympathy.  It's been a difficult
time.  Her passing was sudden and very unexpected.  My cousins
and I are coping with her loss and are planning a nice way for us
to say goodbye for a while.  It all makes me think we are just
three kids trying to wade through our sorrow and not the three
adults we actually are.  

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. LOVE the fabric in that shade! Can't wait to see the finished product. Have a safe journey, Susan. May God comfort you as only He can.

  2. Sometimes we all feel like children again, especially in situations like you're facing now. I pray God's comfort for you and your cousins. I love the window!!

  3. No matter what our age is, we all long for that older adult figure in our life. It is difficult when we lose them. I pray that you and your cousins will find strength from one another. Have a safe trip. Bentley will be there for you when you return and so will all of us here in blogland.

  4. When my mom died I felt just like an orphan and I was 42! So I know what you are feeling.

  5. So sorry about your Aunt. It sounds as tho you and she had a very special relationship. I too, was blessed with wonderful aunts. Take care, stay close to your cousins, because they are special too.

  6. Susan, your guest bath is coming along prettily.Love the sweet spaniels on the curtains. I'm so sorry about your aunts passing and remember when my favorite aunt passed years ago, although I was an adult then too. She was my mother's twin sister so it had a profound effect on me seeing her in that way. My mom has since passed also and and sometimes it is hard to digest how fast our lives go..Take care, Judy

  7. I love the shade for your guest bath. Change is good, it refreshes us and our surroundings. I will be redoing an upstairs room late this Summer/Fall. I was so saddened to hear about the loss of your beautiful Aunt. It's nice that you have wonderful memories of her to keep close to your heart. It always takes time in these difficult situations to heal as you well know. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Be safe on your trip and take care.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.