Sunday, July 19, 2015

This Might Be a Little Bit Crazy But ….

I just celebrated my birthday yesterday.  Yes, it was fun and no I refuse to
admit to any age over 29 :-)  However, I have lived long enough to know that
right after July 18th, August is beating a path to our doors and fall fashions
are everywhere, and summer is pretty much over!

This morning my sweet hubby took off for the club with some buddies to
play 18 holes.  Trust me, he passed up a day in front of the telly watching
the British Open ~ the holy grail of golf in our house, to spend the day
on the links telling tales and trying to keep cool in our really oppressive
south Texas heat.  As I stood in front of my kitchen window over the sink,
I swear I could see a hint of fall headed our way :-)

Of course this is a gross exaggeration because it is blazing hot out there and
I have been running around in my Lilly Pulitzer pinks for weeks now,
but I think I could see it coming!

Bentley and I are at home watching the Hallmark Mystery Movie channel 
while I am on the laptop looking at kiltie loafers.  I must say, I am thrilled
to find so many available because I am a real traditionalist and the kiltie style
loafer is a real favorite of mine.  

I am a fickle person.  When winter has hung around long enough, I am
shopping for spring.  Then summer is on it's way and I am looking at
shorts, sundresses and flip flops.  Honestly ~ I am the queen of flip
flops and sandals.  My beloved "Jacks" are on my feet every day.

But ….

Today I started to think about loafers and sweaters and tweed and
football games and tailgating ….

A little bit crazy I know, but that's just me!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I know how you feel. I'm ready for fall!

  2. It was cool enough this morning that I got in a couple of hours in the garden. We had a nice breeze then, but by noon it was hot and steamy. Hope you had a happy birthday celebration.

  3. The heat index here reached 112 degrees today. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  4. I totally agree with you. After mid July August is pushing the door open, and September is real close behind. Summer is on it's way out. Besides I am tired of the heat also. My favorite time of year is the Fall. Thanks for reminding me to start looking for Autumn. Karie

  5. The heat is really bad here too. However, I try to not think ahead, just be thankful for the day. Cute post.

  6. I am longing for my favorite season , fall, to hurry in ! 90 plus degrees here in a place that rarely gets such high temps has me indoors in our only air-conditioned room , the bedroom, or clinging to the shade outdoors. Yes, bring on fall ! I like your thinking. And, Happy Birthday you young thing.

  7. Hello Susan and Bentley,,may I wish you a belated Happy Birthday,I hope you had a fun day.I love your Autumn scene it's what I love best out of all of our seasons..spring is a close second.Im sending a Birthday Hug..x Una.x

  8. I am in my hibernation mode ... reading magazines that are all celebrating fall. Do you think that will help to keep me cool????!!!!!

  9. Hope you had a wonderful birthday. Mom is as old as the dinosaurs
    Lily & Edward

  10. I've been school shopping with my daughters. This always makes me think of fall :)


  11. I enjoyed watching the "Mystery Woman" marathon on the Hallmark Mystery channel yesterday, too, Susan! Here in SC the heat index is 108 today with a "real" temperature of 100 for the next three days. I can't really get into fall yet, but it is my favorite season! For those truly interested in fall, go to Hobby Lobby. They have all their fall, Thanksgiving and Christmas things out. Ugh.

  12. Hee hee Okay I'll call you crazy! If am I! I've already been looking for New Halloween ideas, getting my Thanksgiving recipes in order, AND searching online for Quick but Dazzling Christmas Entryways!!!! You know what they say Birds of a feather....;)


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