Thursday, August 20, 2015

Tepee Springs Fire in Idaho

The fire season in Idaho has been particularly rough this year.  High
temperatures and a severe drought have created a perfect storm
environment.  Fire fighting resources have been stretched and the
military has been called in to assist in containing the multiple large
fires throughout the state.

You may recall that I still own property in New Meadows, Idaho.
It's such pretty property too ~ midway up the mountain and
overlooking a beautiful wide valley.  Our plans to build on this lot
were delayed by our sudden move to Texas two years ago.  We
still plan to build up there because of the beauty, the fresh mountain
air and the many outdoor activities.  Fly fishing on the Salmon River
is nearby.  Downhill skiing at Brundage is just minutes away.  Cross
country skiing, hiking and golf is nearby too.  Peace and tranquility
far from the madding crowd.

But all this beauty comes with a threat each summer when fire
season comes to the west.  Droughts, high temps and dry lightning
bring danger to the mountains each year.  When a fire starts in this
 steep mountainous and heavily wooded terrain, it's hard to fight.

This is the Tepee Springs fire just twenty miles north of New
Meadows.  So far our property is not in danger, but I am
watching for emails from our homeowner's association.  Even
 if no homes are threatened, I am concerned about the
 abundant wildlife that is threatened.  Bears, elk, moose,
 mountain lions and little chipmunks make their homes here.
I am praying for cooler temps, low winds and rain.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan, the fires in Idaho are terrible this year. The air quality is in the red in the Treasure Valley. The smoke is terrible. We were burned out in June all around our house, our fire was 10,000 acres, that is dwarfed by the other big fires. We have friends south of Riggins, they are watching the TeePee fire. Pray for snow, that is the only thing that will stop these fires.

    1. So sorry that fire came so close to you. It's so frightening. You just never know what to expect because these fires create their own weather pattern. We were living in Boise's North End when there was the big fire in the foothills. I remember how bad the air quality was then. I also remember waking up at 2 am and sitting on my front porch and seeing the ridge of hills ahead all aglow in orange flames. So scary! I will pray and I will make sure that all my friends are praying too. Take care! I hope your friends south of Riggins stay safe.

    2. I've watched thru the night, as mountain fires blazed. It is, terrifying. But our burnt mountain is now turning to green, and spring flowers beginning what will be a magnificent display. Fire flowers!

  2. We are thinking of everyone out West. The terrible fires are threatening so many families and so much natural beauty. There seem to be more and more fires every summer! It's so heartbreaking to see the news reports. Sending our prayers for lower temps, no wind, no dry lightning, and lots of rain and snow. ♡Dawn@Petals.Paper.SimpleThymes

    1. Thank you so much. I believe in the power of prayer and so appreciate your willingness to pray for this beautiful part of our country.

  3. I watch these fires and others on the news each day. So concerned for the firefighters and the families who have lost a loved one .

    1. I agree. Brave men and women fight these fires every summer and risk their own lives in their efforts to save property and lives.


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