Monday, August 24, 2015

We Are Readers

We have several spots around our house where I like to read, but this spot is my
favorite.  We lovingly refer to this as our "library corner".   We also like to sit
here just before dinner with a cocktail or a glass of wine and chat for a bit and
catch up on each other's day.  

I have always loved to read.  Books have been collected over the years.  Some of
these on this shelf belonged to my Daddy.  He always shared his love of world
history and archaeology with me.  

One thing you will never see in my house are book spines turned toward the back.
Sorry to all the decorators out there who have followed this trend.  I am guessing
that for them books are only accessories and the content is of no importance.
That's fine for them, but not fine for me.  

On my shelves you will find the classics, many books on philosophy and
ancient thought.  Our copy of the Book of Common Prayer is tucked away
yet referred to often.

We were so saddened when Christopher Hitchens passed away a few years
ago.  What a brilliant mind he had.  I have been very fond of Flaubert since
my college days.  Oops ~ our copy of Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter was
put back on the shelf upside down.  

We have the Wall Street Journal delivered to our home.  David likes to read
all the business articles, but the paper is very complete and there are lots
of other interesting articles to read besides business.

I still have all my French books from college.  

My dear friend Sharon who lives in Houston, surprised me recently with a 
box filled with wonderful goodies and one of the goodies was this
book ~ Lunch in Paris.  I just squealed in delight when I saw it and am
looking forward to beginning it tonight.  She also sent me the most adorable
little tea set which I will use in a tablescape later this week.

I love reading books about Paris despite the fact that I am a full fledged
Anglophile.  Here is a short list of books I have read that have Paris and
or France in general as their topic.  I highly recommend all of them:

Almost French ~ by Sarah Turnbull
Into a Paris Quarter ~ by Diane Johnson
C'est La Vie ~ by Suzy Gershman
Entre Nous ~ by Debra Ollivier
A Year in Provence ~ by Peter Mayle

and of course:
Appetite for Life ~ by Noel Riley Fitch
because Julia Child is one of my favorite people.

So there you have it.  I hope that since fall is on it's way
and kids are back at school, the idea of reaching out for a good
book to expand your mind and your horizons will be on your
schedule too.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I think you'll enjoy the book. I smiled a lot when I read it. The recipes sound good, too! I'm crocheting cowls and reading. Still trying to load up boxes of books for the Half-Price store. Hugs to you and Bentley.

  2. What a delightful corner, Susan. I love to read and fear this love is a vanishing thing, what with all the distractions of this day and age. I have a lot of friends who read books on Kindle but I still prefer the real deal in my hand. As for turning book so the spine isn't showing, I'm with you.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Dayle. I am saddened by the statistics on reading in this country. I support libraries and hope that I can help to encourage others to read as well.

  3. Just LOVE your fabric in the back of your gorgeous bookshelves! So great looking.


  4. I like the fabric pattern on your comfy reading chairs and we share some of the same reading interests. Did you read The Paris Wife about Ernest Hemingway and his first wife, they loved each other dearly. I recommend that one.

  5. The room with your "library corner" is my favorite room in your house. Those two chairs look so warm and comfy. My mother and I used to share the love of reading. I always made sure she had a good book to read. I felt this helped to keep her mind alert. And I am happy to say she was very mentally healthy . I've lost the desire to read since her passing...but I have been thinking of maybe beginning to share books with my granddaughter. Life goes in circles, doesn't it.

    1. Do start reading again and yes, share books with your granddaughter!

  6. I'm a reader too and LOVE being surrounded by books so I really enjoyed this post. I love your little "library corner" cozy and welcoming . Just finished reading The Nightingale and LOVED it - a "must read'. Also recently enjoyed The Boston Girl and Go Set a Watchman. There's nothing like a good book on a rainy afternoon!

  7. Reading a good book will never go out of style with me and yes, I like to see the titles of my books on my shelves. xo Laura

    1. Hi Susan - I adore your reading corner, so comfy and cozy. I really love your upholstery fabric as well. And of course, the gingham backed shelves are the icing on the cake! Jane

  8. Learned a new word thanks to you Susan. Anglophile. Interesting! Keep on blogging. Have a blessed day.

  9. I am a voracious reader - always have been. I love my books and love, love your reading corner! Nothing makes me happier that to see my favorite books all lined up on my bookshelves! Your corner is indeed cozy and I, too, like the fabric pattern on your chairs.

  10. So glad to hear you would never turn your book titles towards the back for the sake of decorating. That just makes my head and my heart hurt.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.