Saturday, September 19, 2015

Apple Cider Vinegar The Miracle Worker

This falls into the what was I thinking??? And the how did I ever
forget this category.

As many of you know, I have been suffering from a nasty virus
all week.  I hate being sick.  I'm not good at it and that's why I
tend towards preventative rather than reactive.  But recently my
immune system has been stressed and I easily succumbed to the
fever, cough and runny nose virus.  

Suddenly I had a brainstorm this morning and a little voice
inside me shouted ….


I have used this remedy in the past and it has been so effective.
Although I am feeling better this morning, I still have some
lingering side effects from my illness, and I want them out
of here fast.  Here is what I am doing:

2 Tablespoons unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
One Cup of Hot Water
Honey to taste.

Stir and drink.  It's better than you think!

Did you know all the other things that Apple Cider
Vinegar can do?  They are amazing!!!

Put some Apple Cider Vinegar on a cotton pad and
place over spider veins.  Do it every day and in a few
weeks, the nasty old spider veins are supposed to 
disappear!  Hmmm...

My late mother-in-law used Apple Cider Vinegar
mixed with some water as a final rinse after 
shampooing her hair.  My sister-in-law Cindy
still does this.

Apparently, it is also used to treat poison ivy.
My husband David got into some poison ivy
recently and was miserable for weeks.  He used
the standard Calamine lotion treatment and it did 
offer some relief, but in researching this blog
post, I discovered an article about treating
poison ivy with Apple Cider Vinegar.  You can 
read it here.

There are more and more things this vinegar is rumored
to help resolve, high blood pressure, weight loss and
more.  But for now, I'll be happy if it just cures
me of the last stages of this nasty old bug!  Have a
wonderful weekend everyone!!

Disclaimer ~ I do not claim that apple cider vinegar
can cure any of these ailments.  Hope that satisfies
any attorneys out there :-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. My son swears by apple cider vinegar. Hope it helps and you start feeling better soon! Bentley needs his Momma to be 100 percent.

    1. Yes, Bentley does need me to be 100%. I will say, that Bentley is a good little care giver too. He stays so close by me when I am feeling sick and cheers me up. He's the best medicine!

  2. I also rinse my hair with vinegar. Hope you are feeling better soon!

    1. Thank you! My sister-in-law loves a vinegar rinse, she says it makes her hair shinier.

  3. That's the only brand of ACV I use myself because it's naturally fermented, but wow does that stuff do amazing things. It's also good for heartburn, and attracting fruit versatile isn't it?

    I hope that you feel better soon, that's a nasty virus.


    1. I forgot about mentioning fruit flies ~ I have used it for that too. I think this virus has burned up some of my "little gray cells" ;-)

  4. That's the only brand of ACV I use myself because it's naturally fermented, but wow does that stuff do amazing things. It's also good for heartburn, and attracting fruit versatile isn't it?

    I hope that you feel better soon, that's a nasty virus.


  5. I recently bought that same kind of apple cider vinegar and thanks for the tip about drinking it in hot water.

  6. Yup. I agree and can testify to a few. Great astringent for face. Glad you reminded me. Going to get some soon to lose a few labs.

    1. It seems like it is good for lots of ailments and works as a beauty aid too And who doesn't want to be prettier :-)

  7. I love that stuff!! And you definetly have the right kind. I give it to my animals too.....did you know its safe for them? Has helped nurse cats and dogs back to health several times for us! Its just good for so many things!! I really need to start drinking mine again!

    1. I did not know about the benefits for dogs and cats! I will check into that now that you have mentioned it. Our pets health is so important to us dog, cat and all other critter lovers. Thank you!!

  8. It's great for so many things and I didn't know about the health value, wow! Hope you get to feeling better soon, it's just not fun being under the weather! Take care.

    1. Thanks Nancy! I agree, being sick cuts into decorating fun :-)

  9. I hope you feel better! One of my daughters teachers would drink 1/4 c daily mixed with water...he said it made all the difference in the world.

  10. I read in an old family letter that when groups of men from neighboring farms came together to get some big job done (This was known as a bee whether it was men or women.) they drank vinegar in the the fields. During the labor intensive haying and harvesting season, American and Canadian farmers in the nineteenth century would drink apple cider vinegar as a refreshing and energizing tonic. If the vinegar was diluted with fruit juice, the drink was known as "switchel".

    1. That's so interesting! I never realized the many uses of apple cider vinegar before. Remember the old saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". Lot's of truths in those old remedies. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. My mom swears by this Apple Cider Vinegar!!! I have used it for tummy aches, heart burn, and also to rinse my gets really shiny!!! Hope you feel better soon!

  12. Back when I was pregnant with my 2nd son I'd get really bad heartburn. While I was visiting my parents once during an episode of it my dad said to have mama make me a vinegar "cocktail", (no alcohol involved!) I didn't want to drink it but I finally downed it & I was amazed at how quickly my heartburn went away. I use the same exact remedy to this day. It works like a charm every time.

  13. Pinning this, I just might need it one of these days. Hope you're feeling back to 100% soon!!


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