Monday, September 14, 2015

Fall On My Potting Sink

The last few days here have been so beautiful.  The temps cooled off
and the humidity level dropped and now it's a joy to be outside.  I am
loving it!   I was suddenly inspired to do a little outdoor decorating, so
this morning I took my cup of tea outside and started to tweak my
potting sink on the back porch.

Shocker ~ I didn't even need to spray myself down with bug spray.
No mosquitos!  None, zilch!!  And none of those pesky no see-ums either.
What a treat to be outside without any concern for nasty chemicals 
sprayed all over myself.  Yee Haw!!!

Everything got a good cleaning and then the decorating began.  

If you were to read the thermometer to the right, it would read ~

Get your butt outside and work in the garden, because who
knows how long this will last! 

Have I ever told you how much I love this potting sink.  It it situated on our
back porch and you access the porch through French doors in the 
breakfast room.  Every week when I do my grocery shopping I like to buy 
daisies and other flowers.  I alway trim them and put them in pitchers
and vases right here.  It's so handy!

We may not have any changing leaves here, but we can add some fall
touches around and make it feel like autumn is truly on it's way.

Bentley ~ maybe mama will wear a sweater when she takes you
for walkies this evening :-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. It's that time of year. It's still so hot here, yuk
    Lily & Edward

    1. I thought it would never cool off here either. I don't know how long this will last, I am sure our usual high temps and high humidity will sneak back in on us, but I am going to enjoy every moment until it does. Have faith Lily and Edward ~ it will cool off in your town too. Bentley says hi!

  2. oh how I LOVE this! that metal shelf is gorgeous, so much fun to decorate for the seasons!!

  3. I would love to have an outdoor potting garden sink like yours!!! BTW...I love your weather forecast!

    1. The previous owners were children of the couple who built our house 67 years ago. They designed the home themselves and thought of so many wonderful features. They had a hard time selling the house, but they know us now and think that it's great that we love the house as much as they did. That sink is one of my favorites.

  4. Where did you get that charming metal shelf? It looks like it would be so much fun to decorate for different seasons & holidays. I just love how you've decorated it for fall! That house on the bottom shelf is too cute.

    1. I bought that metal shelf quite a while ago back in Boise, Idaho. It hung on my front porch back there and has been decorated for every season. I love it!

  5. Adorable Susan! What a fun place to pot, play and decorate!

  6. I love your potting bench and wonderful to have something so handy and now all pretty decked out in its Fall decor! We have dropped from triple digits into the 90's and feel like we are having a cool-down.....yes, we AZ desert dwellers look for anything remotely hinting at summer going away and Fall approaching!

  7. Your potting sink is absolutely marvelous! I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,


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