Friday, October 16, 2015

Indian Summer in South Texas

It's Indian Summer here on the Texas Gulf Coast ~ well, that's what my neighbor
Catherine and I decided to call it.  Still in the 90's here and the humidity has been
high too.  But this morning when I went to set the trash out by the curb, it felt a
bit cooler.  I am keeping my fingers crossed.  

There are little signs that fall has actually arrived here.  Our huge pecan tree is beginning
to shed it's leaves.  Carlos, our gardener called to let me know that our grass had not grown
much and perhaps we could skip a week.  I did talk to him about wrapping all our big
live oaks with white lights this year and we agreed to start right after Thanksgiving.  Carlos
is so artistic and his eyes just light up whenever I mention a creative project.

I am going to look to see if there is a formula for figuring out how many lights
we will need.  Catherine and I will probably buy up all the lights in town
because she wants to wrap her trees too.  Last year when we were in Houston for
Thanksgiving, the trees in River Oaks and West U were spectacular.

I saw a great recipe for Butternut Squash in a garlic sage butter sauce for
pasta on Food Network's The Kitchen.  I am going to share it with you as
soon as I pick up some squash this weekend.  Do you ever watch that show?
It is currently one of my favorites now because they have so many good 
tips for making things easier in the kitchen and so many good recipes too.

Well, I am off to get the laundry done and fluff up the house a bit before
the weekend begins.  Have a wonderful day!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. It was lovely outside this morning!!! Did you happen to see the new moon set this week?? One evening, I think Wednesday, it set just as the sun was setting and the reflection turned the moon pink. It was so lovely, but I do not own a camera that would take such a picture :^( Posie cat and I just stood and admired it as it went down!
    I understand about a little house fluffing for the weekend.....I did a few things this morning, and will do more later today. You just never know when someone will decide to wander in, and the weather is supposed to be gorgeous!
    Have a great weekend, and a hug and a neck scritch for Bentley.

    1. I did not see the new moon this week :-( Have a great weekend my friend!

  2. The zoo is already wrapping its oak trees for Christmas Lights. You really should go this year ... lovely! Think our days of 90 will be over starting with this weekend ... doing a happy dance!

    1. I do hope to get to the zoo this year. When the temps go down to the 80's I will be happy dancing with you!

  3. Susan - I'm still having trouble on some days posting a comment????? I think fall is here for good this time. We hit 90 yesterday but a front came thru and they are saying we probably won't have any more 90 degree weather. Crisp cool mornings.

    Have a great weekend dear friend!


  4. I can't wait to see the trees all lit up! You do know I have that exact same Scotch Kooler, don't you????! It sit on the first landing of our stairs :)

  5. We don't put lights in our trees, but most of our neighbors do. I love to see the twinkle lights for the season. ;-)
    Yes, still warm here, but not bad really. Love your picnic basket and the thermos.

  6. Your house will look so gorgeous and grand with the trees all lit up!!! I'm back in AZ, and it's a little muggy and warm today, and I can't seem to get into the fall mojo to add some fall in our home here...I hope it passes soon. Can't wait for you to share the recipe...sounds delicious! Have a wonderful day!


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