Friday, October 2, 2015

Let's Go Visit the Junk Gypsies

Hey cowgirls ~ let's go visit the Junk Gypsies in Round Top!
Such a fun store.  Packed with junking gypsy sisters looking for
all kinds of ways to feather their nests.  Fun pillows ….

And fun ways to decorate with them.

A cute little slipper chair covered in a wonderful vintage western print.

Lots of ways to get your glam on!

And feed sacks to haul your finds.

Never too early to think about fun ways to decorated for Christmas!
Pink flamingos and cactus ~ what a fun tree!

I took these pics especially for my niece Kimberly who used to be 
crazy about flamingos.

I fell in love with this adorable bed!

And I was a happy camper just soaking in all the cowgirl fun in this shop.

If I was about three years old, you would have to pry me off of this
pink pony!

It was so much fun visiting this shop.  It was so hard to move around 
because it was so packed full of women and little girls.  Tutus were 
flying off the shelves as you would expect.  There were lawn chairs
and a live band outside to entertain the men who trust me, did not
want to enter this shop and threaten their inner cowboy :-)
I saw Amie, but poor thing was just swamped by all her fans.
Hope you enjoyed this little tour.  More Round Top tomorrow!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Cute, cute, cute and still on my bucket list!

    1. What a fabulous shop to explore! I would love a big pile of those wonderful pillows!
      Happy weekend.
      Helen xox

  2. Looks like so much fun! Wish I would have been there. Thanks for sharing with us.


  3. How fun! I have always wanted to go! They used to be in Canton years ago and their booth was always great then, too. Maybe next time Stacey and I need to come down and we'll all have a bloggers' meet up :) Thanks for the great photos Susan! xo

  4. Well, I am full of envy! I have always wanted to go. Thanks for the peek. Keep it coming! haha! We are only a state away, but so far!!!

  5. I am so jealous. I love watching that show on tv.

  6. Color me green with envy!!! What a fun place to visit. I have seen that old western print that is on that chair somewhere in my lifetime. How cool is that!!!! Love that "log pillow"-perfect for a mountain, or cabin, retreat! What a fun visit you had! xo Diana

  7. I know you will have a good time there. Wish I was with you.

  8. I love to browse these kind of stores! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  9. Thanks for taking us on a tour - everything looks amazing and fun.

  10. what an amazing shop! We have a similar shop like this in Virginia- but this one calls to the inner cowgirl. Love it. Thank you for the fun pics!

  11. What fun! It looks like a shop you can spend a lot of time (and money!) in. Love it.


  12. I love it all!!! Great shop and that pinky pony is so cute!!!

  13. Loved it!!that was fun! I love those pillows!!!

  14. Oh my what a great place to visit. I probably would of stayed on the pony until at least six years old-}. What a great shop with so many treasures.

  15. Oh how fun. I love that show. I would love that bag with the corn on it. So cool!!


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