Monday, October 5, 2015

Three Small Changes

We had such a fun long weekend.  David took Thursday and Friday off.
On Thursday we went up to Round Top for the day.  I showed you pics
from that visit, and there will be more to show you tomorrow too.  Friday
David was on the phone with the office for much of the day and so much
so that he may as well have gone into the office, but thankfully did not. 
He works lots and lots of hours every week.

On Saturday morning we took off for a quick trip to Houston and a
visit to one of our favorite restaurants in Rice Village ~  Rabelais.  We
had a lovely lunch.  I had a grilled salmon salad with a raspberry dressing
and a delicious glass of wine.  David had a grilled flank steak salad with
caramelized onions and mustard sauce and a French beer.  We took our
time and just relaxed and chatted and enjoyed the afternoon in this
charming cafe.   It was as if we were in Paris ~ swoon.

After lunch we strolled around a bit and we each went our separate ways
to visit a couple of favorite shops.  David stopped in the cigar shop and I
went over to Olivine and then onto the British Isles Shoppe where I have
been shopping since before David and I were married.  

I seldom leave the British Isles empty handed and this was no exception.
Let me explain, several years ago I found this blue transferware umbrella
stand at a consignment shop.  I had wanted one for a long time and since
this one was so well priced, I lugged it home with me.  Of course, what's an
umbrella stand without a few vintage umbrellas and walking sticks?  I 
had two vintage umbrellas and one cane, but am always on the look out
for more.  On Saturday, I found this ….

It's a Sherlock Holmes walking stick.  It was love at first sight!!!
I purchased it without a second thought and trotted off to meet David
in the cigar shop.  He loved it too!  

So now our new walking stick is in the umbrella stand in our foyer.
He's ready for all kinds of new adventures :-)

The new walking stick was change number one and I promised you three.
Do you recall how I backed the bookcases in the family room with a red
and white checked fabric?  Well, I decided to do the same thing with the
vintage secretary desk in the living room.  I like it, but I am already
thinking about how great it will look backed in tartan for Christmas.
That will be easily done since I used the poster tape again.

And now finally, small change number three ….

I just moved the Staffordshire pony and rider to the Hepplewhite table
next to the fireplace.  Now it lives with a photo of Bonnie, my beloved
Scottie and Bitterman my very first Yorkie.  My favorite loves, horses
and dogs.

Bentley did not get to come along with us on our trip to Houston.
We were stopping at Costco on our way back and it's still too
hot to leave him in the car for any length of time.  He wasn't very
happy about missing out, but he napped on the sofa and I made
him a very special dinner later and took him for a long walk too.
He quickly forgave us and all was right in his world once again.

Don't forget ~ more pics from Round Top tomorrow.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan! It sounds like you had a lovely weekend. My hubs works a jillion hours as well, so I am very much aware of the phone to the ear on days "off." Oh well, better than being married to a slacker! Love your unique and beautiful Sherlock walking stick, especially the pipe. Have a wonderful new week! Jane

  2. Hi Susan! Oh, your walking cane is so unusual and looks right at home in your lovely home. Glad you had such a nice long weekend. Love seeing the changes around your house too.
    Take care and you're always a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Love the walking stick and it looks so good in the stand. Glad that you and David could get away for a while. I bet Bentley was a little miffed at you for not taking him. But I am sure once he had his great dinner and walk, all was forgiven.
    Have a great week.

  4. That sounds like a really wonderful trip, Susan. Is that first picture taken in the cafe? I have that exact gate leg table. It belonged to my husband's grandmother and is in excellent shape. It is really a versatile piece and I have used it in several locations in our home over the years.
    Love the red & white checked backing---it really makes the blue & white dishes pop and serves as a nice back drop for everything else.
    Can't wait to see more pictures of Round Top. xo Diana

  5. I love the walking stick My Hubs and I are such fans of all the different Sherlock Holmes shows and movies and books. Great find. I agree on red plaid at Christmas-it'll be adorable. Love the dogs and horses together. Nice changes.

  6. Love your new walking stick! How unique! I'm glad Bentley forgave for leaving him at home. Sometimes Mom and Dad need to get away by themselves for a bit. By the way, I have that exact table in the first picture. A gift from my in-laws.

  7. What a wonderful time for you and your Hubby!!! The changes in your home are a perfect fit!!! Thank you for the tip on poster tape...
    So glad Bentley forgave you!!!


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