Monday, November 2, 2015

I'm Out Back Working in the Garden

Today is a beautiful day.  Clear blue skies, lower humidity and the temps have
cooled down a bit.  It's time for me to work out in the garden, and there is lots
to do.  I love being outside again after months of staying indoors because of
the oppressive heat and humidity of the Texas Gulf Coast. 

Our lot is over one half acre and is deeply landscaped.  All the ginger has grown
like crazy after all the rain and it is like a jungle out back.

See the little bistro table and chairs.  This picture was taken last year.
Now the table and chairs are completely hidden by overgrown ginger.

It's all so thick that you can lose yourself in it.  Bentley gets completely 
lost in it.  He just dives in and sniffs for hours.  

These bags are from when Carlos and his crew came in and did it last 
time.  This is only a small segment of what they cleaned up.  Yesterday
I went over to Home Depot and picked up dozens of bags again to
start the whole process once more.

I'll be burning up lots of calories that's for sure!

My everblooming azaleas are always happy.

So is my enormous magnolia.

I hope that where ever you live, your weather is as beautiful as it is 
here right now!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Your yard looks beautiful, Susan. It will be in the 70s for the next few days here. I am loving it. xo Laura

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! Did you get a lot of rain in the past few days? We sure did but I love it. ;)

  3. After more torrential rain over the weekend, our day is bright with sunshine too. I need to be out in the garden cleaning up after the rainy weekend. Perhaps tomorrow morning I'll get to that task. Our ginger grows so tall that it towers over our heads. It generally freezes if we have temps in the 20s, but when it doesn't freeze it treats us to beautiful blooms.
    You should join the tartan parade over at Alison's @ Pilothouse.

  4. Love the little path...and the magnificent magnolia!

  5. The weather has been beautiful yesterday and today and continues for a few more. We're headed to the garden to start collecting seeds and pulling summer bulbs to dry out for next year. We had a mild freeze last week and lost a lot of the tender plants but mums are blooming so. I can't imagine ginger getting that tall. Tomorrow I'm pulling up my Lemongrass to harvest and preserve. Hope your weather stays nice too. Don't work to hard.

  6. Your yard looks so lovely. Ours is so dead looking here. Everything is ready for winter.

  7. Lovely garden, always good to have help.

  8. Your yard looks gorgeous. I had no idea ginger grew like that. Our weather has been great the last few days. Cool at night and warm in the afternoons.

    Have a great week.


  9. Oh- That is such a pretty yard, Susan. I didn't realize that ginger grew that big! Wow!!!! Everything here is done for the season and we started fall cleanup today- tearing out the old so that it comes back fresh in spring. We were in the 60s today-- a virtual heatwave for us this time of year. Good luck taming your "jungle". xo Diana

  10. What a beautiful garden you have. I love to see plantings from other parts of the continent - so interesting!

  11. Such a pretty yard, sister. I'm taking Dad to pick out new glasses this morning, then I will be outside paint one of my handrails off the back apartment and the old well pump. Only today and tomorrow of the warm weather, then we get back to the 50's.
    Bentley, I hope you little eye is all better!

  12. Your garden is so pretty, inviting, and serene! I've not seen ginger growing before, it's beautiful! And our azaleas bloom during the early spring. Nice to see yards from other regions! :) ~Rhonda

  13. Your yard still looks lovely!! Ours is now bare and the patio furniture is all covered as we get ready for the snow to fly!!


  14. Your property is absolutely gorgeous!! That ginger - I love it!

  15. your Blog! My Grandmother was a Sinclair and her line can be followed back to the Earls of Caithness. In honor of my Grandmother I went to Scotland this Summer to the Highlands where she was from. I'm 70...thought I better kick that bucket down the road before it was too late, ha,ha! I wanted to tell you about a great series by M.C. Beaton called the "Hamish Macbeth Mysteries". Maybe you already know about this author. Wonderful series set in the them in order. You can get used copies on Amazon or, maybe your library has the series. I make a big Afternoon Tea, all Scottish on her Birthday every year. A great way to celebrate Scotland and Grandma. A couple years ago I loved how you used your tartan hat for Christmas...very clever! Keep up the great Blog and keep lov'in Scotland!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.