Sunday, January 17, 2016

My Visit to Magnolia Market

Super observant Stacey from Poofing the Pillows guessed correctly.  I did
indeed stop at Magnolia Market and it was even better than I expected!
It's a huge facility with lots of indoor space and a great outdoor space too.
Very family friendly and exudes Texas hospitality and fun.

The twin silos are big and rusty and wonderful and this adorable 1953 Willy's Jeep
in red (my favorite color) is parked outside.  Trust me, my heart was going pitter
patter because I have always, always, loved this vehicle!

The only vehicle that comes close to this perfection is a vintage pick-up!

Love the front entry too.

I was greeted at the front door by this charming mantel and vignettes.
Simple and whimsical too.

This first area is dominated by beautiful flower and cotton stems and all kinds
of wreaths.  I could have easily bought every single one!  After seeing all of
this I know just how I want to decorate my potting shed and I already have
discussed my plans with David.  Can't wait to get started.

On a side note, prior to to arriving in Waco, David and Bentley and I were
up in Throckmorton talking to an oil man there.  On the way to the
well site, we went past acres and acres of cotton fields.  I was so tempted
to ask the farmers if I could just pick a few stems ;-)  Of course I did not,
but it sure made me want to plant some.  David joked and said "look
away".  That was his successful attempt at a bit of levity :-)

There is a big Scratch and Dent room.  Trust me, if you visit and see 
something you want, grab it, because it won't be there for more than a minute!

Even the husbands seemed to be enjoying themselves.  Maybe Chip's
outgoing and fun personality is rubbing off on them and husbands have
decided that remodeling can be fun!

Olive buckets and big glass jugs and wooden trays everywhere.

Another great mantel display.

The vibe of this place is warm and friendly just like Chip and
Joanna.  They were not there, but the staff is large and they are
very welcoming and helpful.  

I wish I could have spent more time there, but we still had a long
drive back to Victoria.  Next time I go I will allow much more time
to spend not only at Magnolia Market, but also at the many other
shops that are in the area.  Come back tomorrow and I will show
you what I purchased.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I'm dying to go there! So glad you got to go and share the pics with us. :)

    1. It's a really fun place and you will enjoy it when you get there. Hope we can go together one day!

  2. I recognized the big silo in your photo! How great to stop and shop! We go to Austin often and cannot wait to visit when passing through Waco! We are big fans of Chip and Joanna...her stye is SO perfect!!! Glad you had the chance to experience this Susan! Did you also stop at Collin Street Bakery?

    1. No ~ I was lucky to get to Magnolia Market. We were on our way back to Victoria after a 1,250 mile business trip with stops in Pearsall, Monahans, Odessa, Midland, Abilene and Throckmorton, Texas.

  3. Oh that looks like fun!!! Treasures!!

  4. I have a nephew that plays baseball for Baylor so we will be making a trip up there. After seeing your photos I can't wait to go. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Ooh Susan, what an exciting trip, visiting the Magnolia Market would be the highlight, if only I lived closer :)
    Chip and Joanna are such a fun-loving couple to watch on their show, I truly admire their building and decorating skills.
    How on earth did you drag yourself away from that divine place

    1. The only way I could drag myself away was that it was already 3 pm and we had another three hour drive ahead of us to get back home.

  6. I knew from the silo where you had been. I'm so jealous! LOL I know it would be a fantastic place to visit. So glad you got to go.


  7. How wonderful you got to visit, I love watching Chip and Joanna. I would have to take a truck and load up.


  8. What a fun shop. I love Chip and Joanna and I bet the store is just like them.

    1. The store is just like them ~ very tasteful yet warm and welcoming at the same time.

  9. well, from the time I walked with you thru the door and saw that adorable mantel, I started hyperventilating and am just now getting my breath back....I just LOVE places like that....when daughter and I went to Canton a couple yrs ago, I didn't catch my breath for the 2 solid days we were there. You can bet I will see if she will go with me to Waco...thanks for telling me about it. xoxo

    1. I have not been to Canton yet, but I know I will love it when I do get up there.

  10. Looks like so much fun! Thank you so much for sharing! :)

  11. How fun. I can't wait to visit the Silos next time we go through Waco.

  12. Oooh what fun!!! I would need a minimum of 2 hours there to browse through all those treasures!

  13. It looks absolutely amazing! I know your decorating wheels were doing somersaults!

  14. How fun Susan. This is on my bucket list. I hope to visit there someday soon. Glad you had such a wonderful visit.


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