Friday, February 26, 2016

A Special Book for Everyone

If you were walking around my house right now, you would find books tucked
into corners and in nooks.  Books on shelves and tables.  Browse through our
collections and you will discover subjects such as philosophy, history, comparative
religion, psychology and the sciences.  Math books, two different editions of
Copi's Logic, the sixth and the ninth.  Of course, Art History for me and 
Economics for David.  There is even a book with the title ~ Don't Call Me
Rover, 5001 names to call your pet, by Rita Blockton.  And another
favorite of mine ~ TV Sets ~ Fantasy Blueprints of Classic TV Homes, by
Mark Bennett. 

Books about our passions, golf, horses and of course ballet.  Our old favorites from
childhood.  Yes, I did read all of Noel Streatfield's Shoe Books.  Gardening and 
cookbooks and of course, all of my old French text books.  

There is something for everyone.

Now that you know about me and my reading habits, you can 
understand why the title of this book in the picture above, appealed to
me instantly …. 

Little Paris Bookshop
by Nina George

Without giving away the plot details, I will just say that it is about
a bookshop housed on a barge on the River Seine in Paris.  It's owner
is not only a book seller, but a book lover who believes that there
is a book for everyone.  He dispenses books like a philosopher, giving
just the right book for just exact situation you may be living.  
Books for the broken hearted.  Books for writers with writers block.
Whatever the malady life has dished out, there is just the perfect
answer somewhere between the pages of a book.  It is as though
the author had just you in mind when composing his text. 

I am only on page 91, but it speaks to me as only a Frenchman
can ~ deeply with passion and sorrow and hope.  If you are a library
bookworm, a romantic and someone who wants to sail down 
the Seine on a barge filled with books to find an answer to
a failed love affair, or any question, this is for you.  I would suggest 
setting aside an evening with a glass of wine, some soft French 
music in the background and prepare to take a little cruise for 
some soul searching and healing of the heart.

Bentley ~ go find mama's Edith Piaf CD and I'll grab
a glass of wine and we can cuddle up in the big cozy
library chair and I will read to you :-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh I loved this post. Fabulous. It sounded like me writing. 'Ceptin I don't have any French text books or phlisophy...heck I can't even spell it. But my little cottage is filled to the brim with books! Your a kinda spirit. And neighbor I'm a Texan as well in DFW. Thanks for sharing this!
    I loved it!

    1. I'm a displaced Texan living in Missouri for the moment. I own that exact copy of Little Women. I haven't read the 'shoe' series but remember them being mentioned in the movie "You've Got Mail".

  2. Actually I also have books everywhere, but I do love them, they're the companions of my life !
    Have a most beautiful remainder of your weekend,
    with gratitude

  3. My maiden name is Milne so I love anything by A. A. Milne. I have some children's books that I have saved with the hope that I will have a grandchildren or 10 to read to some day.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.