Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Apples, Daisies and Dog Shows

Good morning from sunny South Texas!  Whoops ~ it's no longer 
morning, it's noon already.  Where does the time go?  I have been 
busy doing little chores around the house.  It's a really pretty day
outside and Bentley has been in and out all morning.  

I felt like just checking in with y'all and chatting for a few minutes
before I get on to other tasks.  I have fresh daisies on the island and
a vintage bowl filled with crisp red apples.  The combination of the two
make me really happy.  

See what I mean?  More apples over on the tea cart.

Did y'all watch the Westminster Dog Show last night?  I never miss
it.  So many beautiful dogs.  That Pomeranian was so darn cute and
Juliette the Yorkie was so pretty.  That long flowing coat was gorgeous.
I cannot imagine ever letting Bentley's hair get that long!  He's like a
mop as it is.  Every little twig and leaf comes inside with him.  I will
be anxious to see part two of the show tonight, especially the terriers.

Sometimes I think I would like to get a second dog.  I don't know
how Bentley would feel about it.  He's been the "only dog" for his
entire life.   Every time I see a Golden Retriever, I feel like I am longing
to have one once again.  My neighbor in Idaho always had yellow
Labs.  She used to bring a puppy home from a guide dog service
near Palo Alto, California.  She would have the dog for about two
years.  She would take the dog to work with her at the university.
Amy is the dean of engineering at BSU and the pup would visit all
the professors and students each day.  Then the dog would be tested
to see if is was a candidate for it's future as a service dog.  We always
prayed that the dog would fail so it could stay with Amy, but they
always passed until this last one.  Hooray!  So, I think that since
Bentley is used to Labs, he might happily adjust to a Golden too.
Bentley will have the last word on that of course :-)


I hope that wherever you live, the weather is as glorious as it is here
right now.  It is really feeling like spring and such a happy tonic
it is.  

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. You should foster a lab. The rescues always need fosters. It would help the lab & if it worked out, you could keep him. I know there a few rescues here in Texas. You wouldn't need to foster a lab, any dog would be nice. Just an idea. I early voted today & took our Mr Kitty Cat to the vet. He belongs to one of our pugs. LOL. He adopted the cat after his sister pug died. I'm enjoying this beautiful day, too. Breezy in Northern East Texas, just east of DFW.

  2. Susan - I agree apples and daisies brighten any day up! I KNOW that Bella would never accept another dot in the house but then, she doesn't think she is a dog. LOL

    Tiffany (granddaughter who is moving into my old home) had a dog which was part Chocolate Lab and part Pit Bull. He's an outside dog and the girls are just too little to play outside with him plus their lung problems. So, Tiff has been checking every where trying to find a good home for BooBoo. Last week a lady came and got him and he is going to go thru the testing (which he passed with flying colors) and become a service dog for a veteran. That made giving him up a little easier. She checked out so many places tho that were not true agencies. That's so sad.

    We are a little cool here today but starting tomorrow is suppose to be gorgeous. Can't wait. Already told the girls we'd go to the part tomorrow after school.

    Have a great week.


    1. I think it's wonderful that BooBoo will have an important job. The girls may miss him, but they can take comfort in knowing that he now has a very important job caring for someone who has special needs. Give those sweet girls a hug from me!

  3. It has been cold and snowy here, but will be in the 60's this weekend. I can't wait. Tired of gray gloomy days. Those apples look yummy. I always like to keep a bowlful handy. xo Laura

    1. It was 80 today! That temp is okay but not the 90's we get later on :-)

  4. I love the Westminster Dog Show. So fun to see all the breeds and the gorgeous dogs.

  5. I never watch the dog show:( It is still WINTER here in Pa. and I am PRAYING that Punxatauny Phil was right and Spring is coming SOON!!!!!!

  6. I love the dog show and enjoy it whenever I can. I love that chalkboard print above your tea trolly. Did you buy it or make it? I'd love to get one.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.