Monday, February 8, 2016

Country Cottage Hearts

The weekend flew by so rapidly.  We were very busy every minute.
Saturday night we went to a friend's home for a Mardi Gras party.
All the guests were in the spirit of the holiday.  We all live just a
few hours drive from New Orleans and we have such a love for the
Big Easy and it's rich culture, beautiful architecture, and the most
delicious food so we Texans celebrate Mardi Gras in a big way too!

Our hosts Dolly and Jim spent several years living in New Orleans
before returning to Victoria, so they are the perfect couple to host this
party.  Everyone wore lots of beads and most of us wore our masks
for at least part of the evening.  

The dining room table was loaded with the most delicious variety of 
Cajun favorites.  Jumbo Gulf shrimp shooters, glorious shrimp etoufee,
red beans and rice, a variety of gumbos, crusty French bread and more.  Of
course there was the King Cake.  In case you don't know the story of the
King Cake, it's a pull apart kind of confection iced in the Mardi Gras
colors of purple, green and gold.  Hidden somewhere inside the cake is
a tiny plastic baby.  Whoever gets the piece of cake with the baby inside
must make the cake the following year and should host the party too.
Our friend and neighbor Jim (another Jim) who lives down the street
was the recipient of this year's baby.  Jim is a chef so I trust that the party
next year will be complete with delicious cuisine too.  

If you want to read more about the King Cake and Mardi Gras history,
read more here.

Yesterday morning David was in a golf tournament.  His partner
was another neighbor and good friend.  The weather yesterday
was absolutely picture perfect.  I had a few hours alone to enjoy
the garden with Bentley.  Then David came home, showered and
we took off for our friend's Myra and Clayton's home for a big
Super Bowl party.  The evening was so lovely and we were all 
cozy on their beautiful covered patio with a big fire in the outdoor
fireplace and watching the game on a big screen outdoor TV.  
Myra's chili and her red beans and rice were so yummy.  

Baby Tucker arrived with his proud parents.  Tucker is the tiny
little one we all prayed for last weekend.  He has completely
recovered from the flu and RSV he suffered.  Myra, Clayton and
Tucker's parents are so appreciative for all your prayers.  Thank
you so much once again!  By the way, Tucker just turned one
week old this weekend.  

I am sure many of you were disappointed when the Panthers
lost, but we are all Broncos fans so we were thrilled.  I am a big
Bruno Mars fan, so I enjoyed half time.  However, I did not 
enjoy the commercials as must as in the past.  I did remember to
TiVo Downton Abbey.  I have watched it already today!  Perhaps
I'll talk about that tomorrow.  

Hope you enjoyed seeing my country cottage hearts in my
vintage wooden bowl.  I will be sharing them at these 
parties today:

Thanks for stopping by!  Bentley and I really
appreciate your visits!!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan! Oh, you've changed your header and it's so cute! So you! Sounds like you had a busy and fun weekend. Such good news to hear little Tucker has recovered. Speaking of Mardi Gras, did you know Galveston really goes all out? They do. When we first moved there in 1996 our daughter was a duthess for the Knights of Momus and her presentation was held at The Grand - the history opry house. There are wonderful parades and things to enjoy all month. Check it out!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Yes Shelia ~ I know all about Galveston's Mardi Gras. In fact, when getting out our beads and masks, I found four doubloons that I had saved from Galveston's Mardi Gras back in 1987!!! It was a couple of years before David and I got married and were just dating at the time when we went down to Galveston with some friends for the weekend. It was so crowded and so much fun! A bet your daughter made a beautiful duchess!

  2. The little hearts are so cute, Susan! The party sounds like a lot of fun...we were just in New Orleans in November, our second time...always fun!

    1. New Orleans is great ~ really love it. Next time I go back to Louisiana, I want to focus on the historical plantations.

  3. I can't believe I forgot all about Mardi Gras!!! Such cute little hearts, nice Valentine's touch!

    1. You can't forget about Mardi Gras! You have one more day to celebrate!!

  4. Sounds like a really fun weekend. Mardi Gras tomorrow!! Love your hearts in the bowl. I'm using hearts to honor my Charlie this week.

    1. I am so sorry about Charlie's passing. He can play with my Waffle across the rainbow bridge. Waffle was a dear sweet cat and the only one I ever had.

  5. Wow girl - sounds like you partied all weekend! Good for you. Mardi Gras party sounds like a lot of fun. I went to a Super Bowl party and ate and came home. LOL

    Love your hearts!

    Have a great week.


  6. Hi Susan. Your weekend sounds like great fun! I'm so glad y'all have made good friends with your neighbors. That's so important. We've been lucky with that here too. Your hearts are all so pretty. I love them all collected together.

    I've never even been to a Mardi Gras party. Sounds fun. One of these days. :)

    1. We are very blessed to have wonderful neighbors who all get along very well. We thank the Lord every day for our dear neighbors and friends.

  7. Hugs for Tucker ' s parents. They most certainly deserve several. Glad you had fun. When I lived in Beaumont we always rooted for the Broncos. I started routing for the underdog about 30 years ago. It made for more fun at the party!

    1. Tucker's family is quite relieved. Last weekend was a scary one for them. It's tough when an illness hits an infant because they have not yet developed an immune system. Do me a favor and start routing for the Bears. The Bears are my football team and they have not won in a long time. Then there are my Cubbies. I am asking for just one win in my lifetime ;-)

  8. Sounds like you had a busy, but fun weekend! Love the sweet little hearts... too cute! ~Rhonda

  9. The hearts are darling. I made 12 of them in 2 different sizes with 6 different fabrics. Then I embellished them with buttons & twine & put them on floral wire. I have them in a metal milk can on my porch. Heart bouquet! I also commented previously that I love that Lacey embossed plate that you had on a leather top table...stool?

  10. I'm not a football fan, but I am a fan of heart shapes, and yours are all so sweet. You have been busy!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.