Monday, February 1, 2016

Prepping for Mardis Gras 2016

David and I have been invited to a Mardi Gras party, so this past Saturday we
went to our local party store to pick up some bling.  I bought a purple boa and some
more beads (to add to the many beads I already have), and a new mask.

And a fleur de lis of course.

Yesterday I was going through a trinket box where I knew I had more beads, and
found these doubloons.  David and I were at Mardi Gras in Galveston together
with some friends in 1987.  This was before we were married and still dating.
I remember jumping and fighting the crowds to get these.  Being the sentimental
sap that I am, I saved them along with the parking voucher for the night.

Here is a more recent picture of the Mardi Gras parade passing the historic
Tremont Hotel.

And here I am with my mask, and David is standing behind me.  The crowds
were enormous.  From a balcony above, Otis Day and the Knights were singing
Shout.  My friend Kathy and I were singing along at the top of our lungs and
Kathy snapped this pic.  It was so much fun!  I remember being so hoarse
the next day, but we didn't mind because we were young.

Here is a clip of Otis Day and the Knights performing
Shout in the movie Animal House.   I dare you to
sit still while he's signing this great oldie :-)

We don't fight the Mardi Gras crowds anymore, but will have
lots of fun celebrating at our friend's party.  By the way, 
Mardi Gras 2016 is a week from this Tuesday.  Even if you
don't attend an event, or go to a party, you can still celebrate
at home with a King Cake.  More about that later.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan, love the sweet story and pictures! I think you are ready for a really big celebration and will look fabulous!!

  2. How fun...that must have been an absolute blast..and you looked so cute. :)
    I've never been and would have loved it when we were young...not now...too old to get mixed up in such a large crowd...I do have a mask and I will google King cake and maybe make one and Mr. Sweet and I can say Happy Mardi Gras....:)

  3. Such festive colors. Happy Mardi Gras. xoox Su

  4. Love the traditional colors and your fun costume! Bet you have a great time!


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