Sunday, February 21, 2016

Two Years Ago Today My Mama Died

Two years ago today, I thought I would never breathe again.

I could not understand how my heart kept beating.

The pain was so intense and the loss so great.

I did survive.   It's been a tough journey, but I have made it along
the path without stumbling too many times.  I miss you Mama every day
as I miss Daddy too.  I have come to accept your losses and  I live on 
because your hearts live forever in my memory.  I'll do the best I
can to make you proud.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Dear Susan,
    I have the fortune to have my parents every day still with me, and I pray that the Lord will maintain them in good health for so many years yet, they're still quite young, but I think that yours has really been such a great, deep pain ... indescribable ... impossible to survive ... and You've also lost your Daddy too !

    I'm praying for you
    with love

  2. Wow! Has it already been two years! Doesn't seem like it. I'm sure it does to you.

  3. I know what you mean. I lost my Dad almost two years ago.

  4. Dear Blogging Friend

    I can honestly relate to your loss, my mama was my best friend and my loss with other things left me wandering and wondering what do do with my life. That being said I created a blog, called There is not a waking moment in my life I do not think about her and wish I could look into her blue eyes and say I Love you.....

    Time heals many broken cracks of your heart over time and we carry on and enjoy the memories and the time we had.

    Much love!


  5. I'll be thinking of you today. I have my momma. I'm hoping the pain eases as times goes on. I know the little things trigger memories or you find something & start to call. Hugs to you & Bentley.

  6. Lost my Mom. -5years ago to Aizetimers Don't know how to spell it! Anyway ,it's sad and you will see your beloved parents in heaven!

  7. Oh, Susan, I too know that pain. I'm sure your mother would be very proud of you, and her love lives on in your heart. Sending you hugs today as you remember her, may sweet memories give you comfort.

  8. It's hard, I know. It's been 17 years for me. I doubt a day goes by that I don't think of her. Sending a hug to you, Susan. Deb

  9. You have come a long way and I see it in your posts. You are finishing your novel and I'm sure this makes them proud. I still have both my parents. My Mom turned 89 in January and my Dad will be 89 in September. Both are in relatively good health. They have been divorced for many years. My Dad enjoys reading and restoring antique cars. My Mom suffers from dementia and does nothing but sit in a chair. My Sister is her care giver and is a Saint for what she has to do daily to care for her. I lost the person I knew as Mom years ago. Bless you for the strength that God as given you to get through these last 2 years.

  10. The pain subsides, but never goes away. Time,time.....


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