Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Dollhouse Miniature Baby Nursery

I have been thinking for a while about my next miniature project.  I thought
about an adult bedroom, then a little girl's room, but finally decided on a
nursery.  Once I made the decision, I could hardly wait to get started. 
Here is what I have so far.  

The canopy crib arrived first.  I need a baby blanket and perhaps an itty
bitty mini quilt too.  

Here's the rocking chair and I found this adorable Raggedy Ann and
Andy pillow too.

But I think my favorite is the rocking horse.  No surprise there ;-)

I am so addicted to miniatures.  Makes me feel that I am a little girl 
again and that all is right with the world.  I have more ideas for 
the nursery and will keep you posted on it's progress

On a sad note, prayers for those killed and injured in Brussels.  
We all need to be thankful for each and every precious moment
of life.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I also love miniatures, and made, some years ago, together with hubby, a whole big house for a large family, with a dairy shop: he made the structure all of oak, with with wooden boards and beams exposed in the ceiling of every room, all the furniture, and I put the wall paper in the bedrooms and sew so much little things ... oh, how we enjoyed this work, every evening, after dinner, we did something of this little project of ours together with our beloved kitty ... what loving memories !
    I'm looking forward to your work going on, I love what you gave life to !

    Hope you're having a blessed week,
    I'm sending much love to you


  2. How wonderful that you were able to enjoy your project together! You and I have much in common!!

  3. I absolutely love miniatures! I used to have a big dollhouse here that was an exact replica of my hubby's grandmother's house. Now my youngest daughter has it for her little girl to play with someday. It is huge though- 1" to the foot and a two story.

    I can't WAIT to see the nursery done. You have beautiful starting pieces and it is going to be so sweet. Just loving what you have done so far! xo Diana

    1. Thank you! Would love to see your family's dollhouse!!

  4. Adorable...where on Earth did you find that tiny pillow?

    The news today from Brussels was just impossible to accept. What is happening?? And why?

    1. I found it at miniatures.com The news from Brussels is very disturbing. It seems that this is our new "normal". It's a scary world today.

  5. Love your miniatures! I think it's wonderful that you let your inner little girl come out to play. It's good for the soul.

  6. So sweet. I have a small dollhouse that I must renovate. Great inspiration.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.