Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sometimes I Forget ….

You always had the power my dear, you just had
to learn it for yourself.

~ Glinda, the Good Witch

This is my new mantra.  Well, not exactly new.  I used to
recite this to myself when I was a little girl.  Time to 
put it back into use.

Have a happy Tuesday!  Bentley (my own little Toto)
and I will be outside working in the garden.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Excellent mantra.. one I could use, too.

  2. Thank you Susan. I needed to hear this today <3

  3. Susan . . . I also draw great joy and comfort from miniatures. For me, it is creating miniature Holiday displays and "slow stitching" (hand stitching") miniature quilts and clothing for the 50s Ginny dolls (8" tall). I suspect I enjoy the "fantasy" and the control I can have over a "tiny world," especially when I feel little control over the real world. It's a GOOD thing! I enjoy your posts on miniatures. You do a FINE job, Susan!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.