Friday, April 15, 2016

My Bottle Brush Shrubs

I have never seen my Bottle Brush shrubs as full as they are this
spring.  I was not familiar with them until we moved back to 
Texas.  They were planted in a garden patch at the back of 
one wing of the house by the previous owner, and they are right
under one of the windows of the master bedroom.

The bush originated inAustralia and does well in warm climates.  It stays green all 
year and will thrive in drought conditions, but if it receives regular waterings,
it will bring forth these unique blooms in spring.

Isn't nature fascinating?

Have a wonderful Friday and enjoy the start of another

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Well, Susan...I've never seen one of these before and it's just beautiful...and the blooms DO look just like little bottle brushes....xoxo....Hi, Bentley

    1. Yes, they really do look like little bottle brushes. I had blooms in the past, but only a few. This spring these little bushes are very happy!

  2. Hummingbirds and butterflies like them, too!

    1. Good, because I have two hummingbird feeders to hang up!

  3. Susan, these are amazing!!!! Can you dry them? Just beautiful! I have never seen this plant and the color is just gorgeous.

    Hello to Bentley from our 2 Greyhounds!!

    1. I don't know if I can dry them, but it's worth a try. Thanks for the suggestion!

  4. I had one of these bushes on the Texas Coast years ago. I wasn't there long enough to know whether they have to be cut back or does it just stay bushy? Your picture brought back memories!

    1. Mine stays bushy. I have never cut them back or done anything special except water them until this spring when I added a little bit of cow manure to augment the soil. Apparently they love cow manure!

  5. Very pretty! We had a bottle brush tree when we lived in California,
    but I didn't know they came in a shrub form, tpp!

  6. I honestly do not think I have ever seen a bottle brush that was that lush and full. Gorgeous. Yes- Nature is AMAZING! Hope you have a blessed weekend-xo Diana

  7. So pretty they are, don't know if I've seen these in IL? I can't believe how filled in your garden is...things are just popping here now and can't wait to see my garden in bloom again!

  8. They are so cool aren't they?? We have them here too, but I have not seen any in bloom yet. I think they are so unusual and neat!

  9. Susan, what a beautiful shrub that I have never seen before! The bloom is so unique! Blessings, Pam @ Everyday Living

  10. It really lives up to its name and is quite a striking looking shrub!


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