Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Pop Up Treats on Tuesday

I am not a big dessert eater, not because I don't like desserts, I think
it's too easy a way to add on calories.  So, I only serve them once 
in a while.  Lately, my hubby has been requesting desserts, so I
have had to think of ways to have a dessert treat, without the left
overs of a pie or cake.  And … I decided to share some of these
dessert creations with you.  I am calling them ~
"Pop Up Desserts" …
because they are in the kitchen for a limited time only;-)

Therefore, I will be having Pop Up Treats on Tuesday for
a couple of weeks to give you some ideas too.

Today's pop up treat is a throw back based on my Mom's
crepe recipe.  Mom often made dessert crepes for dinner parties.
She would spend an afternoon making lots of thin crepes and
then freezing them so that she always had a quick go to 
dessert for company.  She made the old standard with the
orange sauce and flamed them.  Sometimes she filled them with
fruit and sprinkled with powdered sugar.  They were always

My version is to fold the crepe over, drizzle with chocolate sauce,
sprinkle with almonds, and top with whipped cream.  I did taste
test it, and it's yummy.  

Mom's Crepe Recipe:

1/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup milk
1 egg
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoons melted butter

Beat all ingredients with a whisk until smooth. 
Then lightly butter a 8" non-stick pan with a pat of butter,
cook till hot and bubbly.  Pour about 1/4 cup batter into pan
and tilt to coat the bottom.  Cook until bottom of crepe is
light brown and flip to cook other side.  You can stack the
crepes as you make them and cover with a tea towel to
keep them moist.  Makes about 4 to 6 crepes.

Next Tuesday  I will share my individual banana pudding
cups.  My hubby loves them!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. YUM! I love making crepes. I have a crepe pan tho that I have had more success with than a pan. Many years ago, our church decided to have a Mother's Day brunch and everyone bring their Moms for brunch. We had a style show with wedding dresses from various ladies in the church. It was so much fun. Anyway, I suggested we make chicken crepes and I swore after than I'd never make them again. I made them for days upon days. LOL But, I did make more later.

    Sounds really delicious without having a lot left over.


  2. Lovely recipe. I don't think I have even made crepes, so I shall try now.

  3. Thanks for the recipe and they do look good. That is a great idea for dessert, so many things to fill them with.


  4. I have never made crepes before, but yours look so yummy I think I'm going to give it a try. I imagine there are multitudes of ways to dress them up. They can probably be sweet or savory, although I am mostly interested in making them as a dessert. Thanks for the recipe Susan.


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