Friday, April 22, 2016

Those Sexist Robotic Designers

Have you seen the latest female robot from China?  She is very life like
and probably will fulfill many men's fantasies.  To me it's creepy, but it
apparently is the way of the future, so we will have to adapt.

I am jumping up onto my soap box to protest the sexist tendencies
of these male robotic engineers.  What I am seeing is that they seem to
be creating their dream girls who will do their bidding.  It is the return 
of the geisha.  

Well, what about us women?  Where are the female robotic 
engineers who will create robotic males who will bring us
happiness???  Where is that Mr Right robot who will say:

Where is that honey do list?  I will happily complete
all the projects you have planned.  You just sit back and
pin on Pinterest for a few hours while I take care of

Robotic engineers take note ~ I am putting in my order
for a robotic version of Mr Carson!


This is my dream robot ~ dignified, cultured, able to make sure that
the Ash Tree Cottage household will be running in tip top shape!
He will make sure that we have a proper breakfast each morning.
He will understand the importance of afternoon tea.  Martini glasses
will be chilled and ready at 5pm each evening.

Of course he will require a staff to supervise, so you robotic
engineers better get cracking!  And may I suggest the first
item on your list ….


Mrs Patmore of course!  I would feel so comfortable having
her in our kitchen.  In fact, Bentley and I would probably
spend a lot of time watching her prepare our meals and
chatting with her too.  And my hubby will be pleased to
have wonderful meals coming out of the kitchen each night.

Now, another request please.  David and I do not have
grandmothers anymore, nor does Bentley.  Therefore,
a grandmother figure will be an appropriate addition to
our little nest.  May I suggest the one and only, drumroll
please ….


The Dowager Countess of course!  We would happily look forward
to her visits and relish in her quick and witty quips :-)

Our Ash Tree Cottage is now perfectly appointed ;-)

Have a fun Friday y'all!  It is sunny and beautiful
outside and Bentley and I will be working in the
garden around the potting shed.  Mr Carson, would
you be so kind as to remind us when it's time for tea?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I love your choices and I would first choose the Dowager Countess, then Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Carson. That would make our house rather crowded but lots of fun. Now come on, female engineers. There would be lots of call for Matthew McConaughey and Brad Pitt look alikes.

    1. Well, that's true but I am happily married and still crazy for my hubby!

  2. Well said my friend. We are fast losing the human contact in this world. Tech is good in its place, but it is getting out of hand.

  3. Have fun in the garden - my knees are hurting tonight!

  4. Haha! I can see Mr Carson and Mrs Patmore working in the house. They certainly make a fine addition to any household, but the Dowger would only stir up trouble and controversy. Yes, she may be wise but...she is also extremely stubborn. I love this post so much, and would really be honored if you joined my new link party at Sweet Inspiration, it runs Friday till Tuesday.

  5. hahahhaa....I. LOVE. IT...and with each one YOU chose, I also chose fun...may I do a post soon using your idea here..? I would like the original idea right back to you....:)

    Hoping your weekend goes, your sweetie and Bentley should be able to be off to a great weekend vacation now that your household is running so smoothly......

  6. Susan,
    Please place my order for all of the same robotics. Are you making a commission on each order? :)


  7. Great idea Susan! I will pass this on to my son - he will be starting college in the fall and he is interested in robotics. You can have the first robotic Mr. Carson since it was your idea but being the good son that he is, I hope he'll give me the second one! ��


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.