Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Recipe For Happiness

Designing a dollhouse miniature cottage kitchen makes me happy!

I'm gathering things together to show you next week on my 
other blog Ash Tree Cottage Dollhouse Minis.  I am so 
excited about this new project and can hardly wait to show
it off.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. This is adorable, Susan! I see you also have a miniature version of Bentley here. :) I'm always amazed at how much detail is in dollhouses/miniatures. Looking forward to seeing your whole project! Have a great week!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  2. Your Dollhouse cottage kitchen make me happy too! :D

  3. Nor can I wait. I love the red in the kitchen. Happy, indeed.

  4. What a super cute mini kitchen! Complete with a mini Bentley!!

  5. Oh, Susan, this is just adorable! For about a week I've been really thinking about starting this hobby! I don't have a house and no furniture but I went and bought some stuff and am starting to make a few things. I know they won't looks so pretty and realistic as yours but I'll have fun! Do you make any of your furnishings? I've been going crazy looking at all of the minis on Pinterest.
    Be a sweeties,
    Shelia :)

    1. Oh Shelia ~ you should! I have made a few furnishings. I am learning about making more of them. So many great ideas out there too.

  6. This is so adorable I could move right in!

    1. I agree ~ I would love to shrink myself and move it too.

  7. Susan, you are a pro at this already! It's like a tiny version of you. :)

  8. Oh I love EVERY inch of it. The copper pots and wee little Bentley. Thank you so much for linking up to Thoughts of Home on Thursday. You make our gathering a happier place.

  9. Oh my goodness! This is just tooo sweet and precious!
    Thank you for sharing your time and talents with us at TOHOT.
    Your inspiration always brings joy to us all.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.